I think this as to be the most boring BB for a long time since the bloke who wore them sleeveless jumpers won ya no the one they swopped places with the australya ones i think
Not 1 person in there should win in my eyes and that blond bint f00k me shoot her please from the bits i have carught while i was away in a morning its the rex and blond bints show aint it now
mikie i dont like carnt take to him i loved rex but he is sh it now her as come in
Lisa f00k me is that womnes face painted on the expressions never change
mo why is he still there …………… sara some 1 gag the bint and she is useing darnell big time to get to the last fence
mini me is doing me head in more and more and so is her lil friend rachel
BB need t do somethink and fast to liven it up send charley in from last year lol :lol: