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  • #20195


    In a barren world of chaos, disease, war, conflict and general bullschittery, I have come across the most unlikely instance of something that invigorates the soul; something of which inspires and serves as that of which to aspire to be, for now and for eternity. It is an entity capable of simultaneously invoking deep inner-held ingrained feelings of awe that would normally be experienced towards a strong capable force and potential protector that could and would be deemed to be able to resist the winds of life; and that of feelings of pure unadulterated affectionate adoration juxtaposed to a very powerful sympathetic driving force that is so effortlessly able to move the majority of us towards providing maternal/paternal nurturance to a small and vulnerable child.

    What is it?
    On first glance it is something so mundane and insignificant as to be comparative to absolutely nothing. It’s something that doesn’t provide anywhere near the amount of salience and gratification that most things have and do in day-to-day living – it doesn’t demand attention, it doesn’t demand recognition, and it most certainly doesn’t care about whether anybody thinks it’s deserving of any or not. Its existence is of no consequence to human homeostatic regulation, and it provides such little benefit to anything else on this entire planet that it may as well just not exist at all. It is a mere ghost in time caught on camera, but a ghost of which has conquered immeasurable odds to fall precisely into just the right position within the phenomenally tiny observable confines of this vast infinitely expanding reality around us, to be able to appear right here and right now in full centre view before our very eyes.

    It is…



    Just some leaves which have developed from seeds that have been blown into the apparent inhospitable cracks of my rusty steel framed pullup bar and FLOURISHED OUT OF AN ACCUMULATED layer of dust and dirt particles; and whose current rebirth now serves as a symbolic awakening to every single cognitive mortal creature that is able to recognise him or herself as such an outstandingly absolute AND BRILLIANTLY AWESOME entity that dares to glisten proudly in DEFIANCE against a backdrop of treacherously THUNDEROUS turbulent seas so tenaciously THRASHING around a MAGNIFICENTLY MAJESTIC SPEEDING SPINNING SPHERE WHICH ENCOMPASSES US EACH AND ALL.


    just like the leaves growing in my steps……….i’m curious as to whether they have a flower


    I think you’ll find it’s bird shyte, rather than a miracle. Those tinkers poop everywhere, spreading the seed they’ve eaten wherever they go.


    oh :(

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