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  • #1002097

    yeh I was just walking my dog this morning,and somebody shouted me about 50 yards away
    I turns round and says” what you shouting that at me in the street for”
    she says “well that’s your name innit”?
    I sez ” no its not,my nickname is cosy,(ive been called cosy since I was about 6,its a long story,its about my mam knitting balaclavas,in fact ive been called cosy even before cozy powell was in the charts)
    so whats the bollox all about?
    she said “well it just sort of seems to suit you”
    im like “go away and get out of my face”
    anyway my point what im asking is,any of yous lot got a weird nickname
    and been embarrassed with somebody shouting it in the street?


    I call all my workmates shag. So walking though the town I’ve heard someone shout oi shagger at me !!


    lol id hate that.


    ps sums what workmates? dint realize you had a job
    don’t be going all pete on me.


    Somer’s post reminds me of when I was on holiday in the US South.

    They have a dance called the shag and I was in the dancehall when a lady approached me and said, ‘do you wanna shag with me?”

    I had not heard of this dance and my jaw dropped as though in a cartoon.

    My friend quickly informed the said lady the Brit meaning of the word

    “we’re liberal here”, she said, “but not that liberal!”


    Nothing to do with a nickname but I was once in a shop with a female friend who thought she was just letting a sneaky fart out but it turned out to be the mother and father of all cheek rattlers, she scuttled off up the shop leaving me in slight shock but laughing away to myself, it goes without saying who all the other shoppers will have thought done it.


    double grins reezer
    my sometimes once a month gf is called reezer
    well shes actually called rio, but I just say it to wind her up


    ive also give a very slight sort of chuckle at ol mans skeps pathetic attempt at trying to do a “funny”
    is this my thread yeh?
    oh me golden rule,never swear on youre own thread
    but I sort of chortled for about a second
    skep thinking he was going to get a sh%g :yahoo:


    as you probably know I used to be in the merchant navy(to paraphrase billy joel for the longest time)
    language can sometimes get lost in translation victor
    and yeh for all you Spanish speakers out there
    I once ordered my then time gf ISA,a rumpa de coola,but I really meant cuba libre
    she slapped my face
    nb IM fluent in espanol now,and my cheeks have stopped stinging.


    I thought she meant rum and cola
    not can you give her one up the erm

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