@jen_jen wrote:
Nick Griffin jumps on the publicity bandwagon with his tweets:
Two of the posts read: “So Messrs Black & Morgan, at [their address]. A British Justice team will come up to Huntington & give you a…” then “…bit of drama by way of reminding you that an English couple’s home is their castle. Say No to heterophobia!.”
So…”give you a bit of a drama”…sounds like a threat to me.
But then the irony, he tweets their home address, calls for a demo giving said bit of drama to “remind you that an English couple’s home is their castle”.
Ummmm….this is an English couple, is their home not their castle? Or does that only apply to heterosexual couples?
The couple are donating their compensation to charity.
Exactly Jen….oh the irony….
I think Griffin’s account has been suspended further to enquiries….not only has he shown himself (again) to be the bigot that he is but making that couples address public incites homophobia (in my opinion)