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  • #181399

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @The Observer wrote:

    I hope you are not worried that I will come out, on top :wink:

    She’s worried that you might just come out !!!

    like you did that is?


    @Beatty Blue wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @The Observer wrote:

    I hope you are not worried that I will come out, on top :wink:

    She’s worried that you might just come out !!!

    like you did that is?

    No Beatty, my problem is getting in in the first place. I’ve found that a regular thrashing with stinging nettles helps. But hey, each to their own.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:
    you’re ‘so in’ … -not :P


    Make yer mind up – ”In” or ”Out” what is it??? I am now hoplessly confused (which is not unusual).


    looks like you doing the Hokey Pokey to me


    @soulie wrote:

    looks like you doing the Hokey Pokey to me

    Plenty of Hokey but not too much Pokey :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Make yer mind up – ”In” or ”Out” what is it??? I am now hoplessly confused (which is not unusual).

    At first you could be in, but then out, then again in, and then out…
    come on! you know the pattern :lol:


    Yes…..I think I remember….. this is the in – out – in – out – wave it all about thingy isn’t it?

    I can do the ”out” bit and the waving it all about thing OK – it’s the ”in” bit that causes the problem.

    I gather it’s a bit like pushing marshmallow into a money box.


    #-o :lol:

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