Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Banning the Burka

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  • #440135

    @gazlan wrote:

    @kent f OBE wrote:

    Fgs Gaz…Jen is just trying to find out why you talk such bollocks and never explain it properly but when we talk bollocks you insist we explain. :lol:

    Jen has been given ample explanaition, she chooses to then snowball it into something it plainly is not…. Now how about you give opinion on…

    What do we believe to be the purpose and meaning of banning the muslim burkha and veil ?

    And remember….dont talk with your mouthful… :lol:

    Well I can’t see your logical explaination without you contradicting yourself…but then again I’m in Jen’s gang :lol: …..
    I was brought up proper I don’t talk with my gobuful :wink:

    As for the banning of the Burkah maybe its so we can see if the person hiding behind the veil isn’t a fucking wanted muslim extremist terrorist!


    As far as research goes and the use of the interweb for information, where on earth do you suppose information originates ????? Where does the information contained in the billions of books in this world come from ????? It comes from historical informative sources….If for one instant you discredit this information gathered in these books then basically, you are a fool…. Little wonder then the youth of this country, have all but turned their backs on authority and politics and we now live in some of the most morally declining times ever in this country

    This was my original statement, in it I refer to books regarding general information as used for educating purposes. It does not refer to the general mish mash of information out there… Now, I hope from this you can decipher what my point is, if this is discredited with honorable resource then they should be removed. To discredit the information without honorable resource then it would be foolish.


    @gazlan wrote:

    Question !

    What do we believe to be the purpose and meaning of banning the muslim burkha and veil ?

    If we’re talking about the purpose of banning the muslim burka (is there any other kind of burka?) and veil in France (going back to the original post) then that’s pretty obvious. France considers itself a secular country and discourages any conspicuous sign of religion, religion being seen as divisive and intolerant. This dates back to the French Revolution, well before Islam became the bogeyman.

    Does that answer your question?


    As for the banning of the Burkah maybe its so we can see if the person hiding behind the veil isn’t a fucking wanted muslim extremist terrorist!

    So, primarily then it is a threat to security ? In which case provision can be made for the viewing of suspected terrorists by female security staff, yes ?


    @jen_jen wrote:

    @gazlan wrote:

    Question !

    What do we believe to be the purpose and meaning of banning the muslim burkha and veil ?

    If we’re talking about the purpose of banning the muslim burka (is there any other kind of burka?) and veil in France (going back to the original post) then that’s pretty obvious. France considers itself a secular country and discourages any conspicuous sign of religion, religion being seen as divisive and intolerant. This dates back to the French Revolution, well before Islam became the bogeyman.

    Does that answer your question?

    Partway, now do we see the banning of all religious dress, for instance the robes and costume of the nun and clergy ?


    For the nun and the clergy, religious dress is essentially a uniform, no different to a nurse or a policeman. It is not required by the religion but is required for the role that they are performing. The ordinary person in the street does not adopt such clothing – it’s like comparing chalk and cheese or apples and pears.


    France considers itself a secular country and discourages any conspicuous sign of religion, religion being seen as divisive and intolerant.

    And in france ?


    France considers itself secular in that it separates religion and the state – it does not ban religion and religious worship, but it discourages the individual conspicuous expression of ones religion. A nun or clergyman is wearing a uniform that denotes their job, in the same way as a policeman, a nurse and so on. It is worn by the person holding the position as a uniform, not as a conspicuous expression of religion.

    If the ordinary person in the street started to wear the attire of a nun or the clergy to demonstrate their religion, you’d have a point, but they don’t.


    Burkah wearing muslim women are not priests of their mosques. Nor have I heard of any cases of Nuns fleeing the country and using their Habit as a disguise, or strapping explosives to themselves under their Habits, to blow up planes full of innocent people.
    And I thought we established wearing the Burkah is not a religious thing therefore comparisons cannot be made against Nuns and Monks as such.


    The clergy and the nun i believe, wear this attire to denote their position, being religious cannot be equated to that of a profession, the people in those professions will no doubt have religious conviction also… Likewise with the burkha, only the muslimah will wear this garment…When we see a priest/vicar or nun, we identify immediatley their faith, this therefore symbolises religion
    interestingly, i note this from the bible…
    1 Samuel 16:7
    But the LORD said to Samuel, Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.

    A lesson to be learned perhaps ?

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