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23 September, 2011 at 2:24 pm #16727
Miss LD had her back to the class and chalk at the ready. She believed in the good old fashioned black board, none of that modern malarkey for her.
Maria_s having drained her ex lover’s hip flask, threw it at The Welsh Pretenders head, which made her jump up knocking her chair over. Miss LD with all the skill of a Russian javelin thrower, threw her black board rubber at The Welsh Pretender, knocking her out cold.
Annette pull a curtain, having witnessed this was appalled. “Well I just have to say this and I will only say it the once”. Miss LD was ready for this, before Annette could draw breath, she was zipped up in a gimp mask.
Back at the board, Miss LD was writing in big letters. RULE NO. 1 NO DRINKING ….. Minnie-Claire-Mouse and Maria_s both sat up straight and looked at each other. Minnie-Claire-Mouse now too pissed to care, handed Maria_s a bag of wine, who took it gratefully.
Bolton Bomber Blonde was scribbling in her leather bound notebook. If Miss could get Minnie and Maria to stop drinking that would certainly be an achievement. Oh how she admired Miss LD, such a lady.
Miss LD turned round to face the class and saw that Minnie-Claire-Mouse and Maria_s had gone rather pale and Mooose was starting to twitch.
“Nooooooooooo only joking, just making sure you horrible lot are paying attention. Miss LD drew a line threw NO DRINKING and made Rule No 1. NO FIGHTING.
The Welsh Pretender was dragging herself up from the floor and was just about to sit back down on her chair when Eve, reached over her desk and pulled the chair away, just to prove she could be a rebel. The Welsh Pretender crashed back down on the floor. Just as she thought her day couldn’t get any worse, Miss LD demanded she sat at the front of the class in the corner, where she could keep an eye on her “You’re a ruddy trouble maker now sit there and behave.”
Miss LD wrote Rule No 2, by now Minnie-Claire-Mouse and Maria_s could see 6 blackboards between them and had to shut one eye to read what it said. They both laughed at the same time making Miss LD glare at them.
Bolton Bomber Blonde huffed and refused to write Rule No 2 in her leather bound book, she had now officially gone right off Miss LD. Besides she had put 30 pence each way on “Bolshoi Melody” in the 2.35 at Haydock, there was no way she was giving up gambling. Miss LD could poke Rule No 2 up her bottom, “No gambling” she thought “sooooooood orf”
Kenty wenty was filing her nails. She looked at Minnie-Claire-Mouse and poked her tongue out. Minnie-Claire-Mouse was about to say “Don’t you take me on” but thought better of it, there was no way she wanted to be gagged and made to look like an extra from “Silence of the Lambs”.
Rule No 3 was now being put on the board. “No Meeting men in a layby”.
Bolton Bomber Blonde slammed her pencil down in disgust. This was now getting personal, she was going to make an official complaint, she looked around the classroom to see if there was anyone to complain to.
Miss LD smirked to herself if she put down “No emailing Martin” as rule No 3, The Bolton Bomber would definitely pout. Miss LD changed her mind the thought of Bolton Bomber, pouting was more than she could stand. :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :twisted:
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