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  • #247981

    Your absolutely right it does, the problem is when it spirals so out of control that both sides are to afraid to leave their own area.
    A similar situation to Ireland but there you only had the Catholics and Protestants here the different sectors of society are so varied that everyone is going to lose.
    I too was totally shocked by the abhorrant crime on the kid in Scotland but allowing the BNP any form of power is only going to exacerbate the problem.


    @emmalush wrote:

    @jelly tot wrote:

    Would I and my family be asked to leave?

    I think that people who are not white and/or british would be invited, but dont quote me on that. I think the Sothern irish would be welcome to stay and not be invited to leave.
    Is that ok for you?

    hypocrisy- who chooses which races stay or go? French out? Americans out? Australians stay? How about a black australian? That would be a tough one- Aussies in but not black aussies! What about a white West Indian? What about the Chinese- they on the list of Griffin’s ark (two by two)

    The trouble with the BNP (and its a classic Labour soundbite too)- there is no actual policy which underpins the shallow statement. When you look at the detail, they don’t know who would be “asked” to leave or who would stay. What would happen to anyone who has a mixed race (perhaps going back 5 or 6 generations)- how far back do you go into someones ancestry before saying they can stay? How about the French Hugenots who came in the 18th century to escape Catholic persecution- can their ancestors stay?

    Emma – is it English or British? The BNP don’t seem to know and neither do you? Southern Irish stay? Whys that then? What have they got that the Danes havent? The Jews are out too I take it as they are not “christian”.

    It is so easy to say “voluntary repatriation” but when you try and get any sense under the shallowness, there is none at all cos there is no policy- just a clever propaganda machine

    Absolutely barking (sic)


    Emma, firstly thanks for the honesty in letting me know that I’ll be told to sod off from my own country ( did I read that right?).
    Your missing my point slightly, whilst I agree with you on the legally binding manifesto is it a workable option? I don’t think so in todays fast changing world.
    What I’m trying to get to is that all politicians are corrupt, they may start off with good intentions but soon the true value of power sinks in and that’s that.
    Any how if you throw out all the black people who’s going to play in the premiership and be in the athletics team.


    @jelly tot wrote:

    Emma, firstly thanks for the honesty in letting me know that I’ll be told to sod off from my own country ( did I read that right?).
    Your missing my point slightly, whilst I agree with you on the legally binding manifesto is it a workable option? I don’t think so in todays fast changing world.
    What I’m trying to get to is that all politicians are corrupt, they may start off with good intentions but soon the true value of power sinks in and that’s that.
    Any how if you throw out all the black people who’s going to play in the premiership and be in the athletics team.

    Jelly mate- Emma is a sure bet in a one horse race. You can’t reason with her, offer an opposite opinion or god forbid, prove her wrong.

    Thats from someone in the same boat as you- this country belongs to your (and my) children n don’t ever let any blinkered, BNP supporting crackpot ever tell you otherwise


    Slayer, I hear you loud and clear, it scares the sh*t out of me when I try to imagine what my kids as mixed race people are going to face when they hit their 20’s, sometimes I feel guilty for having them, then I think that without kids like mine and yours all that is left will be little hick-billy rednecks running round with shotguns tearing society apart.
    Also if all the eastern europeans are thrown out whos going to cook the KFC!!!!!!!!!


    @jelly tot wrote:

    Slayer, I hear you loud and clear, it scares the sh*t out of me when I try to imagine what my kids as mixed race people are going to face when they hit their 20’s, sometimes I feel guilty for having them, then I think that without kids like mine and yours all that is left will be little hick-billy rednecks running round with shotguns tearing society apart.
    Also if all the eastern europeans are thrown out whos going to cook the KFC!!!!!!!!!

    Dont ever feel guilty for bringing new life into the world. Just feel sad about the world yur bringing them into, and do your best to see its a better world/environment you/me grew up in.

    Hard, I know. Its not about colour, not now days, its about intergration and being willing to be a patriot to the country you live in. Nobody wants to embrace this country anymore.

    And you cant blame the youngsters for that.


    Oh and I meant to say dont feel sad for too long, cos life aint long mate, we aint got time!! the rat race is running thick and fast, and its too fast for me to keep up with lol!!


    @sharongooner wrote:

    @jelly tot wrote:

    Slayer, I hear you loud and clear, it scares the sh*t out of me when I try to imagine what my kids as mixed race people are going to face when they hit their 20’s, sometimes I feel guilty for having them, then I think that without kids like mine and yours all that is left will be little hick-billy rednecks running round with shotguns tearing society apart.
    Also if all the eastern europeans are thrown out whos going to cook the KFC!!!!!!!!!

    Dont ever feel guilty for bringing new life into the world. Just feel sad about the world yur bringing them into, and do your best to see its a better world/environment you/me grew up in.

    Hard, I know. Its not about colour, not now days, its about intergration and being willing to be a patriot to the country you live in. Nobody wants to embrace this country anymore.

    And you cant blame the youngsters for that.

    But they do want to embrace it Sharon- I wish people could see how much British Muslims see themselves as British and Muslim- especially the younger generation. The recent England vs Pakistan cricket tour over here saw young British muslims supporting England and their fathers cheering Pakistan

    Of course there are extremists- for every stereotypical BNP or NF supporter, there’ll be a Muslim just like them, thats human nature

    BUT what is genuinely impacting on many Muslims, especially young ones, is the demonising of their religion and the rantings of people like Emma who make out that they are somehow less “English” because they are not white and christian- if we wish to alienate whole races and stop them from embracing THEIR country, we should just carry on as we are doing- how many times have you seen the papers with a front page headline about Muslims- ffs, the population of this country is 96% NON Muslim yet we seem to be obsessed with this image of round every corner is a muslim about to blow you up!

    I love this country, my country and am proud to stand side by side with anyone, creed, colour,sex,religion who feels the same- I am no better than them just because Im white n CofE


    @chathostuk wrote:

    @emmalush wrote:

    The decent law abiding tax payers of this country pay to the eu £39,000,000M every single day of the year,

    So the UK pays £14,235,000,000 to the EU each year? (£39,000,000 x 365)

    Well I must say you certainly have enlightened me, emma.

    The leader of ukip, nigel farage said £15,000,000,000 about 2 weeks ago on talksports james whale radio show. He painted a very bleak picture of how its spent too. What stuck in me head above all, was that each country sends a commissioner (we sent mandelson) (i think neil kinnock is there too), and they decide what laws should be voted on, then each mep votes on them to see if its made law.

    The farcical situation is, that non elected commissioners decide what laws can be put forward, regardless of who we voted to decide for us prodomanently.

    The whole eu nonsense is a complete farce. Why we cant spend £39,000,000+ every day ourselves is beyond me.


    Whilst I do not agree with mixing race, I do feel sorry for them.

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