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  • #1396

    for fucks sake!



    What was in it??? :?






    and Marts fave word :wink: :lol: :lol:

    Oh Oh I am gonna get in soooo much trouble :oops:

    (You sure could be !!! – Ed)


    Oh right – I done a list of words like that earlier on today….wonder if it survived…. :roll:

    *goes for a look*


    PMMMLLLLLL…………I found it…look what he’s fecking done!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
    @squeezy wrote:

    I’m a twitt = Hot Chocolate

    you know I’m sillyck = make fun of

    you know I’m sillyrrent =entertainment centre

    you know I’m sillynt = entertainment centre

    árse = fundamental orifice

    rabbit hutchnker = footballer

    ársehole = elbow

    rabbit hutchnny = doughnut

    rabbit hutcht = fish

    rabbit hutchnt = entertainment centre :?

    There are loads of others but I rabbit hutchnt elephantmember them all…. :lol: :lol:

    Rabbit hutch?? C’mon PB…I’m sure you could’ve came up with someting better than that!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


    heehee!!! awww he’s got a sense of humour though …. I hope! :D

    (Good job for you that I have ! – Ed)




    So I agree that ”Rabbit Hutch” is a bit soppy. Suggest some alternatives and I will edit the editor (as it were).

    Come on – use your imagination and sense of humour people !!!


    is it just for the sweary words PB…?? lol i could think of a few.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    So I agree that ”Rabbit Hutch” is a bit soppy. Suggest some alternatives and I will edit the editor (as it were).

    Come on – use your imagination and sense of humour people !!!

    Rampant rabbit? :wink: :lol:

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