Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Attention seeking – posts by sarapepsimax – but no, its not all about her!
3 July, 2019 at 12:30 am #1116427
sarapepsi max accused others of being attention seeking.
so i have compiled her comments here on a thread to show how its really all about her.
she is the one who craves attention.
read it all for yourself
One of the more frequent things in JC is paranoia,now whilst it’s perfectly healthy to have some level of it,some show increased signs of it especially when it comes to identifying other members. Now, obviously some people suffer from mental health conditions or other things that may make them prone to this and some have just lost trust after years of hiding or cloning or betrayal themselves, it’s important to realise when paranoia is taking over logic. Yes,people do hide,change names but in here it’s a place to chat,if you’re all consumed by paranoia you aren’t entertained, you’re making yourself sick. We now for the most part,share one room and that tends to mean you see all the people suffering from paranoia from mild to extreme switch on and join together so sure they are right that they stop seeing the truth or have done long ago. If you are angry or stressed about it,take a breath,think. In JC it’s like a mental asylum,one person says a paranoid theory then people pass it on and then the room is filled with it.I recently spoke to a friend who was accused of being someone else by a close friend,it was and is absurd,a friendship lost because their friend is lost in so much paranoia they no longer see clearly. If it’s all you can think of,step away,take a breath,think. I’ll leave you with my own not funny trick of an incident recently.
I recently saw someone trying to talk to me who text talked like they knew me but we’re trying to hide who they were,it made me uncomfortable,i ignored it but it carried on with random bits so I engaged in chat trying to find out if they would slip up. I refreshed the page later only to find a pm, mentioning the same number,we both know the same person,I know him outside jc as an ex who is been bugging to come in because our friend wanted to speak to him,he’d tried to tell me but lol I never clocked on lol. At times it can make us a bit paranoid in there,it’s ok to be wary,but don’t let paranoia turn this into a place you’re so angry and confused and feeling self vindicated that you forget only truth and logic should win out,not the paranoia. It’s just chat.
I’m done staying silent over this utter drivel. The idea that many many people are bullying one person in JC is ridiculous. I’ve had days when the page is filled with trolling at me but it’s a minority. To keep claiming to be a victim and that everyone is picking on you is childish ridiculous and insulting to the many that have to put up frankly and seemingly for some time with your spamming,your crassness your pretence and accusations.
When I came back one of the brilliant things was meeting new people and meeting amazing funny sweet people I knew before,catching up and also a little bit of me perstering some to of had a child already lol but still, there are many lovely people and even if statements of everyone bullying you were true,given the different people like many different people,to annoy everyone? That only comes down to you doing something TO annoy them.
And if you just attention seek on boards,please attempt a variety of subjects so that the entire JC can share in a conversation. You may find it’s better than spamming in an trying to get people to leave jc.
JC obsessions ,there are many. The biggest ones seem to be people obsessed by others lives,people obsessed with particular members they dislike and obsession of others as a gf/bf or sexually (No Mr determined I do not mean you,lol). The first one seems to be odd because it’s root is typically a loathing for either your class,race, relationships, rejection of them,employment,they find one of those anger making they don’t give up and seem to be unable to give up too,this isn’t talking out with a friend who then decided to ignore,this is full on double logging spammers annoyed at you,they may get other friends involved without admitting the true reason for their hate,just going in as guest,this is a common one,talking back will only increase the behaviour and make it worse. For them any attention is good even if it’s you kindly telling them to go away,for those fleeting seconds they have your attention, and you’ve just given them the answer to what will continue to get it. Don’t reply,it will get worse but it will stop after they find someone else. The fighting obsession of a row between people that means they loathe eachother eternally is one of those that is always difficult,it will only stop when one decides to be the bigger man (no sexism intended) and even then let’s face it, we’re stubborn we find it hard to forget but it isn’t always something that stays,we all have that friend we’ve rowed with once at least. The third is one of the typical. The person may pretend to be others to get to you,stir up trouble to protect you from some threat only they have triggered or created,may believe that because you rejected them they have a right to continue. They may attack you abuse or troll if they get no attention,look you up and ask friends if they’ve seen you,accuse you of ignoring them and demand your time (Not you still,lol). They may lie about you and troll under guest. With these ones block, even if you have to block out as many people as possible do it. Go to another room if needed to pull them out if you’re unsure of who it is. Don’t think it’s bad to talk to others about it privately because you do find that it’s the same people and someone maybe able to help. Also the guides can help if you’re worried about information leaking back (Thanks Si Chatguide wherever you are! He helped with mine!) Usually once you ignore them the first thing that happens is they explode and begin ranting ,be aware ,get help from trusted friends. Guys if you’ve had this happen or have advice please do comment. I’m unaware of female – male stalking incidents but I’m aware it happens.
This topic was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
3 July, 2019 at 12:36 am #1116429her her her her her her
all about her
and she is so boring
she starts a thread about people who are ‘attention seeking; but she is the most boring person on the planet and she more attention seeking than anyone.
3 July, 2019 at 12:45 am #1116430Jealousy much 😂😂😂😂😂
2 members liked this post.
3 July, 2019 at 12:49 am #1116431i am jealous of you jane
Your lips look like you have great suction and could unblock my toilet better than any plunger x
1 member liked this post.
3 July, 2019 at 12:56 am #1116432Awww mizzy thanks luv 😂😂😂
3 July, 2019 at 1:04 am #1116435Im not waiting four hours for a carefully thought out retort lol
That is how long it takes for people like you to respond because you are thick
I am off to bed soon.
no one needs a toilet duck when they have jane
i cant call you janeylou as you are over 30 and its odd.
youre a grown woman
you look like someones backward cousin
no matter what pics have been spammed of me
im still a million times better looking than you are x
if you are so happy with your man why are you so bitchy towards me? and so nasty?
i am glad you are happy together
stop digging at me
be happy in love
leave me alone
unless you enjoy being made to look like a total twat x
3 July, 2019 at 6:31 am #1116440This is obsessive. As you should be aware, you cannot write posts about issues that you have no experience of. If you have been through exactly the same you tell the person reading in order for them to know it’s not just them or as in some cases to make others laugh at your own expense. It’s an odd idea to have given you were the one perfectly well aware I typically hide and you are the one who told me off for hiding stating that you never do. It’s even more strange because I’m sure you stated you were a writer and this letting go of personal experiences is a normal part of that process. Joining up things I’ve written about is ridiculous. As I’d written as you so unusually collected,the boards should be about everyone ,not just one person, you have now instead made the boards about me which I do not appreciate as I’m sure you’re fully aware. The reason for writing the posts if you had checked was that members had asked for four of them. I’m far behind the other items they picked. As I said this is not what boards should be about. It should be about a variety of subjects. You can continue to throw these little tantrums or be who you once were and stop this behaviour. This is the last I will say on this matter. It’s no longer up for discussion, conversation or otherwise. Subject end.
3 July, 2019 at 12:55 pm #1116447Im not waiting four hours for a carefully thought out retort lol
That is how long it takes for people like you to respond because you are thick
I am off to bed soon.
no one needs a toilet duck when they have jane
i cant call you janeylou as you are over 30 and its odd.
youre a grown woman
you look like someones backward cousin
no matter what pics have been spammed of me
im still a million times better looking than you are x
if you are so happy with your man why are you so bitchy towards me? and so nasty?
i am glad you are happy together
stop digging at me
be happy in love
leave me alone
unless you enjoy being made to look like a total twat x
Hahaha oh dearie me poor poor little mizzery i am happy in love thank you very much but not with the person you think i am with ,you actually think i am having a dig at you becos of morg lmao get a grip i havent seen him or heard off him in months my dearie when you started spamming my pictures double logged as a number but alas you will deny it as you deny everything you are the root of the problems,you are the instigator that plays the victim but your like the little boy who cried wolf one day you will need someones help and no one will come running to help you.
But please do continue spouting your utter nonsense because if anyone looks like a div its you luv :)
3 July, 2019 at 8:54 pm #1116462LOL…Team Sarah all the way….oops i’m taking sides….oh well….go babe go babe…love yaxxx
This topic was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
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