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  • #3460

    A curious thing happened a minute or two ago. I was listening to the radio when on came Meatloaf’s You Took the Words Right Out of my Mouth from Bat Out of Hell.

    Instantly I had the strong recollection of being a spotty, though still exceptionally handsome, thirteen year old reading through X-Men comics. It was a very powerful feeling. Uncannily strong.

    Does this happen with you chaps and chapesses and, if so, which tunes spark which associations?


    Had the same thing earlier, Dexys Oh Geno came on and I was transported back to the 80’s dancing in Tiffanys nighclub


    i want to kiis u all over

    nites out wiv me mates ….it was number one.last song of the nite……. :P :P


    Every time I hear the song Far Behind by Candlebox I think about the summer before my Senior year of High School. Best summer of my life. My best friend and I would spend the entire day at the Sand Volley Ball courts then we’d work together at night at the video store and after we locked up – It was party time. We were together almost every minute and that summer this song was constantly on the radio.


    Every time i hear the world ‘spangles’ or ‘maggots’ i think of Pats and the laughs we had when i first joined the chatrooms!!!! :D

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