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24 October, 2006 at 2:34 am #245825
But ………. what do you believe is the correct thing Token?
24 October, 2006 at 3:41 am #245826animals like dogs and cats can go out with a little needle. in the bum or through the heart,
so why not humans, ????????????????? blame it on the nhs. why not, lol
but realy, would”er could”er, do it,,,,,,,,guns kill drugs kill, its a question off bottle
lol why not the death penalty for murder, “””””””” were human, and it not alouded, so the next time ,
er out pushing the old fuddy” duddie”””” in the wheel chair , just leave them on the motor way,
let it be some one else problem,,,,,,,sssssssssss good night
25 October, 2006 at 6:50 pm #245827@token_male wrote:
tell them you love them then grab that pillow! if they panic then stop because that means they have changed their mind!!
so i found out!!!
its a long long long long thing this, lots of legalities if it ever became legal to assist someone!
there would have to be witnesses! tonnes of paperwork! it would be more like an execution than assisting someone to be in a better place.
and only for people who are terminally ill! and have a week to go! would have to be really on the last legs type of thing!
none of these people who take anti depressants for no reason other than attention and an unfulfilling life who are on the brink of suicide all the time.
a man lost his job in the city i live in recently and threw himself off a building! now it was a museum! tonnes of kids outside on school trips! that man had depression apparently, i dont care selfish git if you ask me! didnt deserve to live, but wanted that last bit of attention so chucked himself off infront of kids just to traumatise them for the rest of their lives, (im sure the sight of a man landing on the floor instantly dead isnt a good one for kids)
assistance for death? maybe to be honest
but theres more of an argument against it so i will go with the majority on this one
Depression is a dreadful illness token, and i don’t suppose for one moment the guy thought about kids on a school trip, he probably wasn’t thinking clearly about anything at all.
The past four weeks token, have been the worst 4 weeks of my life. Having already been a survivor of cancer, i had some lumps removed from my neck and had to wait 10 days (well 14 days actually) for the results. I got them today, and there has been no re-currance, thank god!!!! but………………. in the beginning, the original cancer, i have to say, i did, sign a DNR (do not ressusitate) had it come to that.
We should at the very least, be entitled to the choice
25 October, 2006 at 7:06 pm #245828Depression is a dreadful illness token, and i don’t suppose for one moment the guy thought about kids on a school trip, he probably wasn’t thinking clearly about anything at all.
The past four weeks token, have been the worst 4 weeks of my life. Having already been a survivor of cancer, i had some lumps removed from my neck and had to wait 10 days (well 14 days actually) for the results. I got them today, and there has been no re-currance, thank god!!!! but………………. in the beginning, the original cancer, i have to say, i did, sign a DNR (do not ressusitate) had it come to that.
We should at the very least, be entitled to the choice
Ime glad that the tests came back positive……………..
Having been there and I remember waiting for the results after all the trestments………I did tell the doctors and nurses that if it got to the stage were I couldnt stand or manage the pain any longer………….I would sign what ever was needed to ensure that I wasnt resusitated………….
Hardest decision to make but surely it is upto me and it shouldnt be put onto my family who were already going through hell watching the pain I was in…………….
I feel sorry for anyone in that position…………..its never an easy decision………..
I wish you all the luck for the future………
25 October, 2006 at 7:12 pm #245829Thankyou Rossy :) x
My friend was with me and my son, he’s 18. He was 14 at the time of it all and a real superstar. We were all sooooo relieved. I think in fact that my heads still in the clouds :)
Four years now in remission ……….. onwards and upwards :)
25 October, 2006 at 7:14 pm #245830Ime really glad Cas…………..
25 October, 2006 at 7:16 pm #245831Thanx Ruby…………..your kind thoughts are welcomed………….
I take it day by day now………………..xxxxx
25 October, 2006 at 7:19 pm #245832@rossylass wrote:
Thanx Ruby…………..your kind thoughts are welcomed………….
I take it day by day now………………..xxxxx
Only way we can huh Rossy :)Bloody cancer………………………..aint gonna have me!!! you neither rossy, all the very best for the future hun xxxx
25 October, 2006 at 7:28 pm #245833Understand completely Ruby.
We always hope, pray sometimes, for some miracle to happen, it rarely does. I think it would be open to abuse, like anything else, which is why it should be so tightly regulated. While a person though, is of sound mind, and able to make that decision, like the one I did, for instance, the DNR, then they should be allowed to make that choice.
Worst case scenario, something like what Rossy said, I wouldn’t have wanted my loved ones to have to make a decision, I made it myself, with thier full knowledge, and thier full consent. Fortunately it hasn’t come to that.
25 October, 2006 at 7:29 pm #245834I know where your coming from only to well…………….I have watched people die of this terrible disease…………
Its a hard decision which ever way you decide to go……………… matter what……..
I think it must be down to each individual and their families, friends etc to ensure that it is right for them……………….
I applaud them which ever way they decide to go………….
It hurts either way Ruby………… I think you patience and positivity is great, even though you must have hated seeing them like that………….
All the best for you to Cas and your family xxxx
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