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Viewing 10 posts - 81 through 90 (of 437 total)
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  • #283589

    blondes dont have any more fun then anyone else they just stand out more!!!

    do you like hairy chest or smooth chest on yer man ? :roll:


    depends how hairy were talking :roll: total chest rugs are a definate NO! lol :-…

    If someone offered you £1000 to streak at a a footy game, would you?


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    depends how hairy were talking :roll: total chest rugs are a definate NO! lol :-…

    If someone offered you £1000 to streak at a a footy game, would you?

    Yep :lol:

    Your favorite… Burger King or maccy d’s?


    @sharongooner wrote:

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    depends how hairy were talking :roll: total chest rugs are a definate NO! lol :-…

    If someone offered you £1000 to streak at a a footy game, would you?

    Yep :lol:

    Your favorite… Burger King or maccy d’s?

    Definately Maccies

    Sleep with Dot cotton, or ethel and her evil little willie?


    Deffo Dot its the only way im going to get my hands on Jim :lol:

    Who do you want to slap more, Richard or Judy?


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    Deffo Dot its the only way im going to get my hands on Jim :lol:

    Who do you want to slap more, Richard or Judy?

    Slap richard, then they can both be slappa’s

    Sniff burps or farts?



    @anita Gofradump wrote:

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    Deffo Dot its the only way im going to get my hands on Jim :lol:

    Who do you want to slap more, Richard or Judy?

    Slap richard, then they can both be slappa’s

    Sniff burps or farts?

    Neither lol Ladies dont do such revolting things! :wink: :lol:

    Have you ever gone out in a coat with nothing underneath? 8)


    yes! just now to chase after the bin men with my rubbish!


    if you had a parrot, what would you teach it to say?


    i’d make it say (shut the fuxxing door !) cause kids always leave it open !!!

    Do you believe in karma ???

Viewing 10 posts - 81 through 90 (of 437 total)

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