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  • #283559

    Ask the cherubic figure lmao :lol: :lol:
    (trust you too) lol x

    Have you ever been in the blackpool tower ?? lol


    yes i shhhure have been in the blackpool tower
    and the ballroom and the aquaruim lol but i didnt get to see the circus !! :cry:
    or the zoo :cry: :cry: lmao xx
    ( was still great tho !! ) :lol: :lol: BUT

    i did see the model villllaaage !! haha

    have you ever been to blackpool zoo ? ( if so whats it like ? lol :wink: )


    never went to the zoo went to ripleys and along tht side went and partied too lol woohooooooooooooo cant remember what the club was called…… and my q is

    Have you ever had your fortune told if so did u believe it and was it true, i had mine done a 2 years back and hmmmmmm to my suprise things are happening as we speak lol


    i had a fortune told and several things came true!(except coming into money)

    have you ever had a threesome?


    ermmmmm well laaar !!

    i went to sunny ol’ blackpool with two women once !!

    that was diff tho , cus two’s company ( great company x ) but
    three’s a crowd wannit bux :lol:
    hehe was great though :wink:

    where was your last holiday ?


    Erm funny enuff was blackpool :oops: :oops: :lol: xx

    where would you most like to make love ??? :roll: :P


    any where with you :oops: :oops: xx


    ooops a Q lol …………..

    anywhere with you :oops: :oops: xx

    when did you start smoking ?


    @mellow wrote:

    any where with you :oops: :oops: xx

    omg no no OMG …… hehe :oops: :oops:
    erm was 14 tut me !

    erm what do you do when you are lost for words??? lol :wink:


    i tend to sigh when im lost for words :oops: :lol:

    but its not often b4 anyone says !! lol

    do you sigh ? and are they big sighs ?

Viewing 10 posts - 51 through 60 (of 437 total)

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