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  • #283929

    You forgot to leave a question woohoo :roll: I’ll have to ask one instead…

    If you had the chance of going back to any part of your past and changing just one thing, would you do it and if so what would you change?


    There’s so much I would change, so better had leave that to the next person! :shock:


    Really?? You have that many regrets huh :shock:


    Yes.. Unfortunately! But – I’d like to think that the changes would benefit other people aswell as myself.


    In what way?

    It’s never good to have regrets.. but sometimes it cant be helped… Life eh


    The dog would still be alive! :shock:


    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Glad I’m not a dog…. no jokes please! :lol:


    Just Kidding! Seriously though, yes, regrets – I have a few.. 8)


    I don’t have any major regrets, I could say I have the usual “Wish I never met my ex” blah blah regrets but all experiences I’ve had have made me stronger in someway so I cant consider them regrets.. anyway woohoo you keep forgetting to post a question after answering one :P


    But if you never met your ex, then you’d not have your kids.. Assuming that’s the ex, you’re referring to..

Viewing 10 posts - 421 through 430 (of 437 total)

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