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Viewing 10 posts - 201 through 210 (of 437 total)
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  • #283709

    nooooooooo :-…

    Do you own any burberry? :shock:


    omfg noway not in this life time :shock:

    Do you u know what the 7 ancient wonders of the world are??


    well they gotto be food havent they ? :lol:

    how do you like your chips? oven or fried?


    fried! all the bad stuff tastes the best :twisted:

    favourite season and why?


    winter get to cuddle and snuggle and keep warm and cuddle and snuggle and huggle and cuddle some more and snuggle some more and huggle some more and when ure done huggling and snuggling and cuddling u can just get down to nookie ………. im just rambling on now tut lol

    If you had 3 legs would u wanna keep it or get rid of the 3rd?


    most men already do ! :roll:

    why are dentists so evil??


    cause they like to see us in pain

    how many teeth u got left ??? lmaoooooooooooo


    one front toof :lol:

    have you eva been to the doctors and been embarrassed?



    @pasta wrote:

    one front toof :lol:

    have you eva been to the doctors and been embarrassed?

    yes , i once got a rash at the top of my leg & thought I had caught simething nasty but it just turned out to be a sweat rash :? :? :?

    Wheres the most daring place youve had sex ?


    blackpool !! :?

    (tut sunshine@teeth question) :(

    when do the clocks go back ??

Viewing 10 posts - 201 through 210 (of 437 total)

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