Boards Index General discussion Technical Q&A Are your Computer Ports Secure ?

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  • #260842

    To access your router settings type your IP Address in to the address bar of your browser click go or hit Enter on your keyboard (Enable Hardware Firewall, set med to high depending upon your security) also change the name and pass word from default.

    Fizz :D


    so its not about table tennis?


    Attempting connection to your computer. . .
    Shields UP! is now attempting to contact the Hidden Internet Server within your PC. It is likely that no one has told you that your own personal computer may now be functioning as an Internet Server with neither your knowledge nor your permission. And that it may be serving up all or many of your personal files for reading, writing, modification and even deletion by anyone, anywhere, on the Internet!
    Your Internet port 139 does not appear to exist!
    One or more ports on this system are operating in FULL STEALTH MODE! Standard Internet behavior requires port connection attempts to be answered with a success or refusal response. Therefore, only an attempt to connect to a nonexistent computer results in no response of either kind. But YOUR computer has DELIBERATELY CHOSEN NOT TO RESPOND (that’s very cool!) which represents advanced computer and port stealthing capabilities. A machine configured in this fashion is well hardened to Internet NetBIOS attack and intrusion.
    Unable to connect with NetBIOS to your computer.
    All attempts to get any information from your computer have FAILED. (This is very uncommon for a Windows networking-based PC.) Relative to vulnerabilities from Windows networking, this computer appears to be VERY SECURE since it is NOT exposing ANY of its internal NetBIOS

    Mine said all this and did a few more and they was green but did anouther and it said failed :shock: :shock: :shock:


    Hi sunny :D

    I would go into your Firewall setup and see what is been sent out by your PC

    Fizz :D


    Why wots up with it whats a fire wall omg am i at risk :shock: :shock: :cry: :cry:

    and there was me thinking it was good lol :roll:


    :shock: Can you tell me what security you have Sunny ?



    AVG i think plus a fire wall on my router As you have gatherd i no nowt about computers lol


    OK and what OS, Windows XP ? Linux ? Solares ?


    windows xp :?

    Its bad aint it you can tell me il sit down for the news :cry: :cry:


    No because your XP firewall should be working but just to make sure Click start >Control Panel > Security Center and you should see Windows Firewall with a green light next to it


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