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8 January, 2009 at 11:51 am #124808 January, 2009 at 2:10 pm #388634
@tinkerbell wrote:
Wow, it had tentacles and everything. :roll: :lol:
Aye it did and a little old lady took a picture of them as well!! :shock:
8 January, 2009 at 4:12 pm #388635Don’t you just love this sort of thing??? It brings out all the raving loonies, who are always lurking in the background, just waiting for any excuse to air their ludicrous conspiracy theories.
“UFO expert Russ Kellett said: ‘We are very, very excited about this.”
Yeah I’ll bet he is. Can’t wait to convene another meeting of Lunatics International and present his ‘findings’ (Government conspiracy; Area 50 something or other; invaders from outer space; the end of the world is nigh;etc etc)
“However, another possible explantion could be that the cold weather caused the blade to shear. Fraser McLachlan, chief executive of GCube, which insures more than 25,000 wind turbines worldwide, said that although it is unusual, this type of incident happens about five or six times a year.”
Well THAT’S no fun is it. Far better to believe in a worldwide conspiracy theory, supported by half pissed locals seeing flashing lights in the sky; and weird looking little old ladies taking photos of tentacle ridden space monsters.
‘It does happen that a blade will sometimes just come off a machine for one reason or another,” he said. “The main reason is the blade may shear. ‘We don’t normally see things like UFOs hitting them. It’s usually a mechanical failure that causes the blade to separate from the main hub.’
Yeah … right … BORINGGGG !!!! Of course it was an UFO, full of little green chaps, carrying out a survey of deepest rural England to prepare for the invasion …..that is coming to a cinema near you.
The fact that they can navigate across outer space to get here and then bump into a bloody great propellor because they apparently didn’t see it – is totally beside the point !!!
8 January, 2009 at 4:38 pm #388636At last a matter on a subject I can directly relate too ‘Pure heaven’
The effect on metal of repeated cycles of stress. The insidious feature of fatigue failure is that there is no obvious warning, a crack forms without appreciable deformation of structure making it difficult to detect the presence of growing cracks. Fractures usually start from small nicks or scratches or fillets which cause a localised concentration of stress. Failure can be influenced by a number of factors including size, shape and design of the component, condition of the surface or operating environment.
*plans his retirement*
8 January, 2009 at 5:50 pm #388637It were a giant bat i reckon
8 January, 2009 at 6:19 pm #3886388 January, 2009 at 7:06 pm #388639I didnt mean that :shock: :oops:
8 January, 2009 at 8:14 pm #388640I think one blade came loose, the turbine became unbalanced, the blade broke away and collided with the other two, mangling them, before falling to the ground. The lights could have been to do with electrical disturbance or shorting during the destruction
Or…………… could it have been ball lightning – a known phenomenon that is little understood and not constant in its behaviour?
8 January, 2009 at 8:22 pm #388641@cherrybomb wrote:
@pete wrote:
It were a giant bat i reckon
She did mention going on a diet after christmas. :-k
The cheek!! tut. Anyway I thought it was you who was going on a diet. Your the one who made an eclipse last time I was in there. People complained because they couldn,t see their keyboards. *hides* :lol:
8 January, 2009 at 8:24 pm #388642 -
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