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  • #453265

    Ahhhh the old charm still works, unless it was the old spice. :lol:


    @jen_jen wrote:

    There’s a guy who comes into town 2 or 3 times a week, he’s lost a leg and is in a wheelchair. His wife “parks” him outside my shop and he sits there having a smoke (or two or three) while his wife goes into the indoor shopping centre and does her shopping. One day I got chatting to him and he told me the doctors told him that the health issues that led him to lose his leg were smoking-related, but he didn’t believe them, that all this scare-mongering about smoking is a conspiracy to deprive the working class of their small pleasures in life.

    I haven’t seen him or his wife for a few weeks.

    Today they both came into town, as usual she “parked” him and he smoked while she went shopping. He’s lost his second leg.

    I will never understand why people still keep smoking even when their health is compromised. :(

    I can. He sounds like one of them people we call a ‘normal human being’, with all the average foibles that that condition presents. And I’d bet his second leg was lost long before your conversation.

    But you of course are God, and after typing this I’ll go light many candles in humble tribute to all of humanity.

    Except yours, because I’m not sure that it exists.


    You doubt my honesty and my humanity…ah well, feel free to judge me on what little you see of me on a message board. Don’t confuse a lack of understanding for a lack of compassion, far from it. And I have no reason to lie about the conversations or the timing but if you want to judge me by your standards I hope it will make you very happy.

    As for being God, far from it, I am far from perfect myself…but then who wants to be perfect?

    You’d lose your bet by the way :wink:


    oh I never doubted your honesty Jen, nor your timing or standards of compassion. Only your humanity. :wink:
    The rest is just stuff you tacked on afterwards in self-defence at my cheekiness.

    I’ll concede that neither of us knows on this subject really. We can really only judge ourselves and even then fail miserably. It’s like . . . . . . why are my best friends alcoholics ?

    No matter how many times I tell them they’re far more cool sober, and this is exceedingly true, but they never quite get it.


    Indeed…I will never understand why they do it as I have never been in their position, and they will never get it no matter who tells them or how often…it is their path, their journey, and they have to come to the realisation of it themselves, at a time that is right for them…if indeed they ever will.

    You say you never doubted my honesty, and I put my hands up and say I’ve reread your response to my post with that in mind and I think I can now see what you intended and how I misinterpreted it. The humanity bit though…I’m perplexed by that, would you do me the courtesy of explaining that, either here or in pm?

    Maybe I’ll pm you and explain why this man moved me to write about it here…but then again maybe I won’t :wink:


    I love you Jen.. (shrugs)


    Love you too Rubes…read the other thread and imagined you singing. :D
    Hope all is well with you xx


    Funny how quiet the boards go when the sun comes out…. :D


    Ok enough is enough. I’ve talked enough nice people out of leaving the boards and the chat rooms over the years saying how if we all left the nasties would win but now it’s my turn…and no, I’m not angling for anyone to tell me how nice I am and to talk me out of leaving before anyone jumps to conclusions.

    I accept that not everyone is going to get on, I accept that people are going to fall out from time to time, as much as I’m rather attached to my slightly rose-tinted glasses I am an optimistic realist. However the F3 section of the boards is descending into a major bitchfest with so many people determined to have a go each other, assuming ill-intent behind almost every thread, raking over ancient history over and over again and making it a very unpleasant place to be. Maybe that’s other people’s idea of entertainment but it isn’t mine.

    You can call this a flounce if you want, or just one very pissed off chatter taking a break, I don’t really care. I’ll leave you all to it for a while – have fun.


    And all the time those people in Jc who delight in causing trouble are there .. so the ones who respond, will carry on doing so.

    Childish as it may seem .. sometimes the need to reply takes over .. after all , I for one wouldn’t ignore it in real life…. why would i here?

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