Boards Index General discussion Technical Q&A Anyone heard of the "i love you" virus??

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    Right “Mr i am wonderful with computers”

    You are technical minded yes? Good with computers? yes?

    Well thats wonderful, bully f00kin hoo for you.

    I am not, leave me alone, i was only asking for help not a piss take because i am thick when it comes to computers.

    Thats the end, id appreciate it if you have anything else to say to tell me in a PM.



    @blonde/blue wrote:

    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    yes mum! :shock:

    Right i hope this clears things up.

    Look all i am saying is…i got an e mail from another user IN HOTMAIL! It said “i love you”. That was the description. Ive never had a virus before ok, i panicked. Anyway i thought it was safe, i get e mails from this user ocasionally so i thought, well ok i will see what it is.

    When i opened it up it said a virus has been detected in the following attachment. A little picture of a bomb and a note saying there is no known cure for this virus. So i immediately deleted the e mail and ran a programme which my mum advised me to do. We ran the mcAfee scan too and it seemed to be fine. Im not sure what happened but i bleedin well panicked.

    Dont go around accusing people of lying when clearly you know nothing.

    It`s not a nice feeling Rainny when that kind of thing happens, its understandable that you panicked. Hopefully you`ve managed to sort it but as Anubis said it`s not a simple virus to remove. It`s one of the worst virus`s you can get. I`ll keep my fingers crossed that it`s all sorted but just keep your eyes peeled for any changes in your computers` performance.
    An `apparent cleaner` can be downloaded from here (just in case) :wink:

    Anyway, time will tell.

    Thank you B/B i hope its all ok, i have scanned and scanned again with Mc Afee, i know what i saw, ok im cr@p with computers but i just wanted help. Thank you for your help too.

    Rainny xx


    Right im going to ring Mr Gates and tell him hey guess what Bill them damn virus authors have changed the generic fingerprint of the I-LOVE-YOU worm and AV scanners no longer recognise this Virus and its crawling through Hotmail.

    BTW not many ppl dissagreeing with the fact you cant get the I-LOVE-YOU worm through Hotmail. And no i will not keep it to PM when you and your cronies gang up and have ago. I tried to help but it was shoved in my face. And as for Spybot cleaning the mentioned worm.

    So next time you, Burt and Owen wanna have ago feel free.

    And if your implying im a bully then it’s falling on deaf ears ive helped ppl bust passwords on here, unlock progs, gaven serialz and generally help so end of.


    i know im no pc wiz here but wanted to know if even though hotmail scan your emails doesnt it still tell u that u were sent an email that comtained a virus
    i do know hotmail scan their emails so im not questionin that ,just wondered if it told u that it had detected a virus in a certain email :? :? :?


    hotmail does’nt always detect the virius, nope… you are always recommened not to open anything, unless you are 100% aware of what it is, i lesson i need to learn too :(

    but i’m more safe, in the way i wait till i get to work before i open them :)


    Yeah it alerts you of a suspected virus and blocks the content and wont let you download the attachment.


    Soulie tell me one AV client that dont recognise the generic fingerprint of the I-LOVE-YOU worm. I do not know of any Virus, trojan or worm that Hotmail does not detect. Microsoft hate Viruses and they even gone to the point of blocking the new variant for mobile phones.

    I said it before to get around it you’d have to encrypt it into a file and when the reciever opened the email/attachment it would then have to run some sought of dos code to decrypt itselfs into the worm which is highly unlikely and (quote me if im wrong) but Hotmail dont allow attachments with a .vbs extension making this impossible.


    Okay, bear with me here people…………..

    But, could it just be that Rainny opened an e-mail that had the virus but Hotmail had quarantined it and a message came up telling her that ??

    It’s just a thought eh ???


    thats what i was thinkin morty


    @superanubistype wrote:

    Soulie tell me one AV client that dont recognise the generic fingerprint of the I-LOVE-YOU worm. I do not know of any Virus, trojan or worm that Hotmail does not detect.

    pass, but whos to say rainnys virus was’nt the I LOVE YOU worm, but a look alike.. with a sneaky disguise 8)

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