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  • #1144369

    “tRump had 4 years to put troops into Ukraine after ruSSia invaded  Crimea and Donbas. But he didn’t…cos he’s pOOtin’s pussy.”


    What a f***ing dodge, AndyPanties.

    Putin didn’t need to “build up” his military in 2014, when he took Crimea, did he?  No, he just needed a spineless US president, which Obama had proven to be.  That led Putin to Syria immediately after stealing Crimea while the world looked at the sky and whistled.  He didn’t need to “build up” his military for that, either.

    Russia has had the world’s largest land force for more than 70 years.  Are you aware of this?

    But then Trump came to power, and within 90 days of being sworn in, blew up Shayrat Airbase, killing 20 Russian airmen and destroying 9 Migs.

    Meanwhile, Trump ALSO made clear what a JOKE NATO has become, especially with Germany jumping in bed with Russia and Nord Stream 2.  If NATO members won’t fund their responsibilities, and then lay their heads on Russia’s chopping block, why in the F**** should NATO exist?

    Does this sound like Trump was acting as Putin’s poosy???  Really Andy???

    And if you STILL claim that during Trump’s time, Putin was “building up” his military, WHY was he doing that?  Was it because he feared Trump?  Or the laughable European members of NATO?  Is Germany’s tiny standing army a threat to Putin?  Or was he “building up” his military because of Ukraine’s military might? Were you aware it was Clinton who convinced Ukraine to give Russia their nukes in exchange for Russia’s promise not to invade Ukraine?

    As for Trump having four years to put American soldiers in Ukraine but didn’t, what fing planet did you grow up on?  Obviously you think it was his duty that he breached.  Did anyone else put troops in Ukraine???  One of the reasons Trump was elected was to detangle us from endless and pointless foreign wars.  As much as you wish it were true, the US is not the world’s parents.  We are not obligated to protect everyone on the planet.  But, like the UK, we actually fund our responsibilities to NATO, even though it’s a joke.

    So what happened after hidin Biden gets elected?  Within 90 days of being sworn in, Putin began massing his already “built up” military on the border with Ukraine.  Why didn’t he start doing so while Trump was in office, Andy?  Was he still “building up” his military?

    And what did Biden do? NOTHING.  What did NATO do?  NOTHING.

    Don’t blame Trump, blame weak western leaders.  The spirit of Neville Chamberlain is alive and well, both in Europe and now the White House.  What is the essence of your argument here?  NOTHING.  You’ve got NOTHING but your Trump derangement disorder.  It’s part of your greater Libtard Hate Syndrome.  Seek help, Andy. Your libtard news sources have misled you and left you a moron.

    Bring some substance to this discussion if you want a response.  And no, demanding a hypothetical answer from me is not substance.  Grow a brain, dckhead.






    You should be working for the kRemlin puds lad.

    Have you noticed how Biden is royally fucking up pOOtin’s army without losing a single American or NATO life?

    tRump that.  tRumptard.



    LOL!  BIDEN???  You delusional halfwit!  The only way Biden could fck up the Russian army is if he tried to lead it.  The former residents of Mariupol will show you just how unfcked the Russian army is.  Now we will see the same surround and pound strategy from 1944 unleashed on Donbas.  Millions of refugees already outside of Ukraine will laugh at your ignorance.  Use someone else’s brain to respond.  Yours is worthless.


    Not a single American life?  You’re about a month too late with your assertion.

    The US State Department confirmed a US citizen died in Ukraine on Thursday. Ukraine police had reported that the citizen was killed in a Russian bombing.

    Mar 17, 2022


    James Hill, a Minnesota native who stayed in Ukraine to care for his partner, is 2nd American killed by “Putin’s senseless war”



    One at a time puds lad.


    But then Trump came to power, and within 90 days of being sworn in, blew up Shayrat Airbase, killing 20 Russian airmen and destroying 9 Migs’.


    Still waiting for your news source of 20 ruSSian pilots being killed at Shayrat.


    What was the news source puds lad ?

    Or did you make  up the 20 russians?




    No, I didn’t make it up.  I was mistaken.

    Trump didn’t kill 20 Russian airmen blown up at Shayrat.  Russia was warned that the base from which they and Syrian forces launched chemical weapons strikes was about to be hit.  A convoy of Russian vehicles was seen leaving the base shortly before the strike that killed 6 Syrians, including a general.  So much for Russian missile defense.

    It was 300 Russians killed elsewhere in Syria.  Here’s the source.  Rub it in your neck, brother.

    Pompeo: US Killed ‘300 Russians’ in Syria

    July 31, 2020:

    Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed the United States had killed hundreds of Russian mercenaries in Syria. Questioned about the administration’s alleged lack of response to the reported targeting of US troops by Russia, the SecState responded by saying that  Russian President Vladimir Putin, along with “the 300 Russians who were in Syria and who took action that threatened America [and] who are no longer on this planet,” understand the United States’ stance on killing American troops. Last month, the New York Times revealed that Russian military officials incentivized the killing of American troops in Afghanistan by paying bounties to Taliban fighters for every soldier killed. The Times also reported US President Donald Trump had been notified on the subject but failed to respond, triggering a maelstrom of criticism. President Trump has denied being briefed on the subject, later claiming his intelligence agencies did not perceive the reports as being credible.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by  callmepuds.


    So you lied then puds lad. You stated a ‘fact’ that you didn’t check  to make your point about Shayrat look more meaningful.

    You lied.


    Hmmm…..i wonder who else lied that we know. Over 30,000 lies in fact







    That’s not a lie, by your definition.  A lie requires intent.  Do you have any arguments of substance, or do you need some help?


    Did YOU lie when you said not a single American was killed in Ukraine, since you didn’t check YOUR facts?  Or were you simply mistaken?

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