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  • #1144213

    look andy mate if you are so one dimensional and you can only do trump threads,its ok its fine  go for it buddy

    but dont expect me to reply,youve always got kiwi our resident foreign secretary

    he knows the score man pmhim

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    who the fuck is mili ?



    i was wondering that? he or she just pops up randomly,never says fck all,but will do likes,altho it has never given me one,,hmmm?

    dont worry i will find out.


    oops mili has er,ok from now on anybody who gets a like of mili is a nobhead.

    ps and anybody who gets a like of tarty,(which you never will) needs sectioning


    Ask me he should be discussing Biden’s fook up as a weakling.

    Highest inflation in 40 years. We have pipelines and efficiency which refuses in which thousands lost jobs 6 days in office.

    Immigrants crossing borders..not going thru system provided free rides all over and money.

    Trump had balls..Biden has loose screws

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    Ask me he should be discussing Biden’s fook up as a weakling.

    Highest inflation in 40 years. We have pipelines and efficiency which refuses in which thousands lost jobs 6 days in office.

    Immigrants crossing borders..not going thru system provided free rides all over and money.

    Trump had balls..Biden has loose screws

    But i’m not asking you Linda. If you haven’t been paying attention, this is a tHump tRump thread and none of your wingeing about Biden will change that. You also haven’t noticed that inflation has hit the whole world because of covid/war etc etc. I keep telling you to stop watching that fOx shite but you just won’t change the channel. More fool you for listening to mUrdoch’s drivel.

    Fuck your pipeline my dear. Biden is rightly shutting down fossil fuel  sources to give your kids a greener world whilst he’s playing a tightrope game of supplying oil and gas to Europe who need to ween themselves off from ruSSia. His green agenda will create thousands of jobs but you’ll never talk about those will you? Biden is a world leader who thinks globally. tRump was a ‘bigly’ loser who can now only attract a few dozen brainwashed disciples to his egotistic ‘rallies’.

    Linda, You really are the most insular person I have ever known. I hope one day you realise the foolishness of your ways.

    P.S. Stormy says tRump had a tiny tiny cock.  That kinda suggests balls the size of a couple of dried peas.


    PERHAPS WITH NASTY CRUEL SCUM LIKE YOU. And another i know or knew. U both slime and dead beats

    Foolish to people like you. U play ur games to be cool and know jack shit…read on sucker.

    And u did not wind me up. U deserved it. :yahoo:

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    Let me educate you further Linda, seeing as you can only communicate in low grade invective.

    china and ruSSia are slowly but surely forging a ‘no limits’  partnership. The world is turning into an east versus west battle, economically, politically and one day I fear, militarily.  Whilst you busy yourself with your partisan politics, you’re falling right into the east’s trap. xi and pootin WANT you to hate your president. They want the west to disappear up it’s own arsehole in civil war and unrest. The east WANTS to divide and conquer the west….and you Linda are the most perfect example of a human true to their cause.


    Well done Linda

    отличная работа Linda

    做得好 Linda



    (CNN) Donald Trump is doing it again — putting his personal goals and burning zeal for revenge above the national interest — as he once more appeals for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s political help in the midst of the brutality in Ukraine.





    Quoting CNN is clear evidence that you don’t know what you’re talking about.  Seek help for your Trump derangement disorder.  No one cares about your opinions.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by  callmepuds.
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