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22 September, 2006 at 5:29 pm #242229
she gives a good argument for voting bnp as they WILL sort EVERYTHING out apparently
sadly for all those in favour of the bnp it will never happen EVER so as much as i admire your persistence and i admire that fact that in your minds you think you are doing whats best (all an opinion of course)
but alas the bnp wil never rule this country maybe the odd local election seat here and there,
i wont be voting them as funnily enough i agree with more of labours policies than i do of bnps i dont agree with all of labours policies but i agree with more than any other party
all my opinion of course
i will one day vote conservative!!
but not until im earning over 30k a year, they will look after me then
22 September, 2006 at 7:04 pm #242230@token_male wrote:
she gives a good argument for voting bnp as they WILL sort EVERYTHING out apparently
You wont please everyone, but you can please alot more people than is happening. Its our duty surely to engage in the benefit of our future to take part in that process.
but alas the bnp wil never rule this country maybe the odd local election seat here and there
It is more difficult for the BNP, because all the others toe a blag line, and the BNP tell more truths.
They the line toers said in 93 when the BNP gained a local seat, that that was the height of their ability, now they have more than 50 seats.
In Barking 2005, the BNP gained 17.9% of the general election vote, that was a year before the impressive local elections which produced 12 seats.i wont be voting them as funnily enough i agree with more of labours policies than i do of bnps i dont agree with all of labours policies but i agree with more than any other party
Give us just one example? Be interesting to see what you mean.
22 September, 2006 at 7:23 pm #242231@fergie50 wrote:
who’s country, doe’s england belong too, not the white man, no free speech, can not talk, about. our culture any more,
race or other wise, engl;and, is slowly turning into, a differant country all together, just like globle warming,
it will not be long be for the white, man will be forced out off is own country were he was born and bred,,,,,,,????????muti cutlure take over, no cockney slang or scouser or any
mix off all lables, we will in fifty years time , be speaking a differant, slang our children
will look at the old way as,stupid,,,,,,,,,, just like the the indian in the wild west, just have to go along with it to please,, the differant, people, who are comeing into our land and changeing it to suit them,, need a prime minister like howard in assie land to tell them/
if u do not like our way then please leave, and go back were u came from,,,,some one to stand up up up,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for all off us,,,,,,,,,brittish back bone guy
Hopefully we can start by emptying Liverpool of all the Irish and send them back to Ireland, followed by the Catholics- before long we’ll be a true Protestant nation again
22 September, 2006 at 7:24 pm #242232Come here and I’ll give you some of my holy water Slayer.
22 September, 2006 at 7:31 pm #242233And for those who are left, we can start with English lessons as my servant (“yes massah”) speaks better English than this scouse fool.
Seriously, every time we have some fu/ckwit organisation that tries to be PC, it is turned into a rant about the downtrodden white man and the supposed disaster of multiculturalism.
So the police messed up (and incidentally they positively discriminated against women too but I haven’t seen much dissent about that- unless of course they were black women)
I’m male, I’m white, I ain’t downtrodden, poor, feel less English cos we have some “non whites” as my fellow countrymen and genuinely believe we hype up, out of all proportion, our perceptions of what this country is supposedly turning into
I’m sure our ancestors felt the same when we gave women the vote and look what a blo/ody stupid decision that was
22 September, 2006 at 8:35 pm #242234@tommy wrote:
Reverse discrimination (Or as my learned friend Emma puts it, anti-white racism) is just as bad as racism against somebody who is black, brown, yellow, pink or green.
Racism is racism full stop.
Whites should be free of racial discrimination equally as much as coloureds.
That, to me, is true equality.
Keep up the good work, Emma.
I’ll be voting BNP.
The BNP and equality doesn’t compute
Racism is racism, absolutely
So why vote BNP
22 September, 2006 at 8:42 pm #242235@tommy wrote:
Who do you suggest I vote for?
I’m anti-EU.
Thus that leaves out the Tories, Labour, Lib-Dems.
That leaves one party and one party only.
I have to vote BNP because I’m forced to as I have no other choice.
I don’t believe in abstaining, as people who abstain have no right to have an opinion about how the country is run.
Actually no it doesn’t. You could vote Monster Raving Looney – they would fulfil your every dream – politically that is.
22 September, 2006 at 8:45 pm #242236Never !!! They hate the French for a start !!!
22 September, 2006 at 8:56 pm #242237Yup, a core policy is to ban anything to do with the French – a nation of collaborators and of course our traditional enemies.
So French kissing is out for a start. Their campaign to re-name ‘French letters’ ”Condoms” has been highly successful so I wonder what they will call ‘French kissing’???
22 September, 2006 at 8:58 pm #242238@forumhostpb wrote:
Yup, a core policy is to ban anything to do with the French – a nation of collaborators and of course our traditional enemies.
So French kissing is out for a start. Their campaign to re-name ‘French letters’ ”Condoms” has been highly successful so I wonder what they will call ‘French kissing’???
It was always snoggin when i was at school :D
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