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  • #1148343

    My worst present, came from my belated husband, a heating pad, cause I was always freezing in Germany.  What a guy!!!!!




    Sorry to hear of your health issues Kenters. Just kick its ass and show it whos boss. Your in my thoughts x.


    Have you ever done anything that made you feel bad and guilty?

    The thing which really made me feel guilty was one time in Canada i had the idea of bringing back some THC Gummies. Walking thought Heathrow playing dodge the dog i felt like i had a big arrow above my head pointing at me. Was glad to get out of there. So the next time we went i posted them to myself. 😂

    Whats no1 on your bucket list?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by  somer1.

    The thing which really made me feel guilty was one time in Canada i had the idea of bringing back some THC Gummies. Walking thought Heathrow playing dodge the dog i felt like i had a big arrow above my head pointing at me. Was glad to get out of there. So the next time we went i posted them to myself. 😂

    I would’ve been sh1tting bricks….would seriously not have the courage to do that….when me and my friend went to Amsterdam…I wouldn’t even let them have anything wacky out there let alone bring anything home!


    Whats no1 on your bucket list?

    What I said earlier I guess…I have been thinking hard and cannot think of anything I want to do I have not already done

    who would you ?

    1. Snog ( an Actress/Actor)

    2. Marry (a Singer)

    3. Kill (HAS to be a Jc’er)

    :yes: (feel free to choose a Jc’er for every option if you want to)


    OMG SOMER. Lucky not NY airport sniffing dogs would have ripped ur bag apart. I do say first time ever leaving uk airport my hands were wiped for drugs. Never had that but happened at Heathrow.

    Bucket list..always wanted to go to Spain. One day. Wanted to go to Egypt to see tombs etc. Artifacts of interest museums but due to issues will pass for now.



    This deep thought Kenty. Lol

    Snog.. lol what was your mate’s name for awhile. Him and cosy fought often.

    Marry… lol mcfc for fun.

    Kill harsh words.. THINK EVERYONE KNOWS. But im not mean person. Nieve and very gullible at time..Milkman Human Kindness. I rather crush his heart and balls which I dont own. Cosy cut out his stupidity and his nasty crap about people, his tongue. Third Echlon, merlin nasty folks toss in cage throw away keys.

    Now. Saying all that…

    How would u get revenge on those who did u wrong badly?


    Charming Linda th xx Oh the guy you are on about is thin ice


    Ha ha Linda that made me laugh

    Just for fun for me

    Snog….Somer and Jewel (on lesbian Wednesday)

    Marry…….H of course! (Pete if H says no)

    Kill…..All the male liars who said I slept with them…skanky Tracy and her gang

    (hopefully this will get a few out of the woodwork and get posting)  B-)


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    Snog. Im a sucker for brown eyes so thats Mids or Kenters (sorry mids your a close 2nd)  ;-)

    Marry. Had a real thing for Pat Benatar when younger  :yes:

    Kill. The twat who posted my mobile number in the room (even though no feeker rang me) B-)

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by  somer1.
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