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    @sharongooner wrote:


    answer all that is put too you. not just the bits you like or can conveniently igonre…. you’d be a nO1 politition


    Those points or questions i avoid, bare no relavance to the subject im discussing. I havn’t the time to answer all of them, so busy 8)

    Anyway, thats the pot calling the kettle a dark colour :wink: you havn’t answered mine….


    They hijacked a plane, scared the living daylights out of many innocent people, and should be booted back to where they came from.


    @Magoo wrote:

    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    i dont think it it is being small minded to accept the fact that there are more and more immigrants over here in britain now more than ever before. i didnt say asylum seekers owen kach, i said immigrants.,…… completely different things entirely.


    It’s a fair point and I sit corrected. :oops:

    I believe there will be a massive political backlash to the amount of Eastern Europeans that have, and are due to enter Britain.

    The part I find shocking is that they all find work, yet we still have many unemployed British. :-s

    Are they not part of the EU? Do they not have a right to move around the EU freely? You astonish me Kash… you advocate civilian plane hijackers, but not the EU treaties that open up our borders.

    Where did I disagree with the freedom of movement within the EU? :-s

    I did point out that they all find work, but we still have thousands of long term unemployed British nationals.


    Hi 2points

    1 Why doesn’t this government just now put posters outside all there embassy’s telling people. hi-jack a plane and come to England we will give you a house and loads of money and you wont even have to work or pay it back ever.

    2. How long will it be before Bin Laden realises all he has to do is get his suicide bombers to hi-jack planes to England we will welcome them with open arms, and even give them the money to go and buy the stuff to make there bombs

    Does anybody else think the lunatics have finally taken over the assylum


    @Magoo wrote:

    So what do you advocate arsehole? Any criminal that states he wants to contribute to the state and won’t ever be naughty again can be let off? Let alone they might be British and not Afghan. That country may well not be safe right now, doesn’t stop the Blair Govt. sending in British soldiers to be killed though, does it? But by your own admission you are happy for plane hijackers, terrorists, to live and work in our country because they apologise? I knew you were thick scummer, I just didn’t know the depth to which you could show it.

    I misinterpreted absolutely nothing, I took you for your word, for what it’s worth… very little. You as ever, spin your words and try to belittle in your very self styled manner. I know you get off on it and I know you realise that anyone that questions you deserves a little of your rhetoric. However you spineless internet scum… your words are typed, they are replied to as you’ve typed and there is NO misinterpretation, just some self styled stuck up twat that really hates to be caught out … grow up scummer.

    :lol: By Elvis Presley’s hamburger relish! You have the wits (and face) of someone weaned and raised on pickled parsnips.

    I didn’t say misinterpreted, I said misrepresented. You did get an impossibly long rant out of my initial musing of two whole sentences, which, incidentally, contained no malice directed at anyone. It seems if anyone is scum that needs to grow up, it is you.

    Now, to your ‘points’. Apostrophes intended. I advocate that these men be allowed to stay here until the situation in Afghanistan resolves itself sufficiently for it to be safe to send them home. I don’t agree that any criminal who says they are sorry be simply let off. The fact that Afghanistan is not safe is the judiciary’s reason for not letting the government send them back. This, according to the initial link, appalls the government. Therefore the government deciding to send soldiers to Afghanistan has no bearing on anything being discussed here. It doesn’t show any double standards or hypocrisy. They are with the boot them home camp. Dr John Reid, the Home Secretary, has called the decision of the law courts “…an abuse of common sense”.

    The men were originally convicted and sent to jail but those convictions were quashed. To be honest, their convictions were overturned on a technicality. Even so, seven of the nine men had already served the full terms of their convictions. So, morally and, more importantly, under the law, the men are time served and innocent of any further crime in the UK. They are merely refugees. Britain is a nation governed by law, thank Bob Marley’s bong. We cannot simply ignore the courts when we don’t like their decisions or those decisions are uncomfortable or annoying. I think allowing them to work will simply lessen the burden on the state.


    @kmf89 wrote:

    Hi 2points

    1 Why doesn’t this government just now put posters outside all there embassy’s telling people. hi-jack a plane and come to England we will give you a house and loads of money and you wont even have to work or pay it back ever.

    2. How long will it be before Bin Laden realises all he has to do is get his suicide bombers to hi-jack planes to England we will welcome them with open arms, and even give them the money to go and buy the stuff to make there bombs

    Does anybody else think the lunatics have finally taken over the assylum

    1. They have all but stamped it legal. People who wana hurt our way of life know how to do so.

    2. They already live here, france, germany etc. It takes alot of preperation to blow us up. 7/7 was just a warning, unless the government did it, or guided them.
    Im always puzzled as to why these fanatics havn’t done more than they have. They could quite easily blow the thames and flood the underground, that could kill tens of thousands.

    Lunatics have always been in power.



    And What do you say Enoch :?:


    @emmalush wrote:

    Breaking news: Home secretary loses court appeal against afghan hijacker ruling, due to their “human rights”. They are now allowed to work here in the UK

    Do you know what folks, in this day and age, 2006, you would think that NINE people hijacking a plane in a foreign country, and landing it here ILEGALLY, would mean immediate deportation back to where they come from.

    Well you would, but the people who run our country England, are TOO SOFT. Even when our HOME SECRETARY appeals against the ruling to work, HE fails MISERABLY.

    What is there to stop thousand of people hijacking a plane, landing here, and claiming our taxes via human rights. Can YOU stop them?

    Im telling you, this government has opened the floodgates to excessive human right ruling, and YOU will pay for it. You ARE paying for it.

    Yes, we need human rights, but there needs to be a cut off point whereby people arnt allowed to take advantage of our system to this degree. It went beyond that YEARS ago.

    NINE afghan criminals now walk our streets freely.

    What about OUR human rights?

    If a Cuban hijacks a plane or boat and lands in the USA they are allowed to stay by the US government. I guess the American government is made up of soft, bleeding-heart liberals. I blame D1ck Cheney, the tree-hugging hippy. Obviously the american government is not right-wing enough, always going on about human rights, the big girls blouses.


    @Magoo wrote:

    And you’re just a boil on the arse of humanity scummer. I’ve never seen such long winded replies from you as I have from your last two posts on this thread. You are trying to wriggle out of your uninformed and crass opening rhetoric. Sorry scum, won’t work. You support terrorists/illegal immigrants/commercial plane hijackers, getting permission to live in this country and take jobs, when the very regime they were fleeing is no longer the ruling body of that country. Whether the country is safe or not has absolutely no bearing on the case. They also pleaded guilty to hijacking. No-one is ignoring the courts you fool, we are lambasting them for yet another failure. We are criticising a spineless Govt. that does nothing to make us feel they are behind British people. If these hijackers/terrorists have ‘served their time’, then like all foriegners imprisoned in this country, they should be deported on the first plane home, making sure they have no means of repeating their crime on the journey.

    I’m not really sure what kind of oaf you are scum, I’m not sure if you have beliefs or values, I’m becoming more convinced that your beliefs are whatever the opposite of mine may be to try and get a rise in your self styled and progessively weird world of JC. When you can be a little better than a failed van driver, perhaps I’ll take you seriously. Until then…

    :lol: Then allow me to be more brief. You’re advancing exactly the same position as the ‘spineless’ government, you ridiculous, sheep-shaped guff stain. In fact, that must make you a spineless, ridiculous, sheep-shaped guff stain.

    And I certainly would be worried if I found myself regularly nodding in agreement to your ill thought-out bile. It would mean I too have been swallowing all the cock dribble printed in the gutter press and slavering over too many nut-job conspiracy sites with my critical faculties well and truly erased.


    @Magoo wrote:

    Pikey… You have stated that you agree that hijacking terrorists should be allowed to settle and work in our country


    Can you please point me to your source of information, which entitles you to lable/libel people, who are fleeing for their lives as ; “hijacking terrorists”?

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