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  • #233664

    I don’t believe anything emma posts. She ducks and dives too much.


    I agree that this world has a lot of problems. i do not condone what happened to emmas father and i defend the right of people no matter who they are, what colour they are, what sex or sexual orientation they are etc etc to be allowed to live and work where they want to. i do not condone racism or prejudice in any form. and yes i do care if a black person doesnt get a job if they are the best qualified.

    I think the problem is , isnt the fact that emma supports the BNP .

    to me one of the problems is the stereotyping and generalisation that all people of colour or different religion are bad people. Emma just because you came across a pocket of people who gave you and your family an extremely bad deal, it doesnt mean that all of the rest of the population of their colour or religion are all the same fgs. do not tar people with the same brush!!

    the other thing i want to point out is you obviously have a lot of passion and energy, so instead of spending your energy offering us negative stories offer solutions as well. the BNP is not the b all and end all fgs……….

    you constantly quote stories of violence generated by a small minority of black/asian etc but i dont think i have seen you pick out any stories of violence,unrest or injustices by the ‘white british’ yet

    a prime example, are the BNP going to be up in arms about the current news story about the paedophile who has just been jailed for 12 years for a list of sex offences against children and who has alledgedly got the remains of 2 children buried in the garden of his home? did the BNP report about the killing of a young boy in liverpool by ‘white british’ are the BNP going to report an old ladyof 93 was raped , robbed and left for dead by a ‘white british man’ ? no i think not.

    balance emma is what you need. All ‘non white british people’ are not necessarily criminals and neither are all ‘non white british people’ out to get us.

    Emma, i absolutely defend your right to believe and support the politics you want to and your right to express your opinion, what i am saying is stop living in your own little blinkered world and look at the bigger picture. I am truly sorry you and your family suffered at the hands of a small minority but there comes a time Emma when the past has to be put where it belongs in the past, or even a time Emma when you yourself need to come to termswith what happened. It has obviously scarred you and for that i am sorry, but i feel now you need find an alternative way of dealing with it and stop blaming the whole of the ‘non white british’ people for it.

    Emma iwould just like to say one last thing, i am not a lilly livered liberal, i have certainly not led a charmed life, life in some ways has been very cruel, very cruel emma but you know what, i have my blessings too, i have 2 beautiful daughters now grown and flown and making their way in this world as confident young adults with their own views and i hope a good basic moral grounding. Let go of some of that anger Emma ultimately anger usually does more damage to the person holding on to it.


    @emmalush wrote:

    Ive come to expect intolerant fascism from posters towards me in here, and your no exception pikey.

    I guess you just dont wana admit that white people can and do become victims of ethnic cleansing.

    There are 2 issues Emma- you accuse everyone of being an intolerant fasicst yet behave in exactly the same way- seems like pot, kettle and black.

    Secondly, as I’ve said so many times on here, you take every characteristic of a race- greed, violent, helpful, polite, positive, negativeetc etc and it will be the same characteristic in every other race- for every one white supremacist who follows the BNP or NF, there will just as many extremists within the black or asian community- it is human nature but it has nothing to do with colour.

    I said at the time and I repeat it now, whatever happened to you and your family (and I don’t know) was, by your descriptions, unpleasant and wrong. However to become consumed by an all burning passion against anything none white because of it seems such a waste of a life- if you have that much passion, it really could be directed in better ways.

    You simply demonstrate the same characteristics, prejudices, bias and views of the minority who affected your family…and that makes you no better than them


    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    @Tory Girl wrote:

    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    @Tory Girl wrote:

    I don’t come from a politically minded family, so where did my political interest come from then? Just because Emma believes strongly in the BNP does not mean she comes from a rascit family!!! :roll:

    If emmas’ father had a problem with people of a different colour, and she has a problem with people of a different colour, doesn’t that tell you something?

    He had a problem because he was being threatened or did you not read emma’s post properly?

    He was being threatened because he was intolerant! :roll:

    :roll: where have i said my dad was being intolerant? My dad has always voted labour, even now, a party who wants mass immigration, who welcome non whites for votes.


    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    emaa is blinded by the BNP. She has posted lies to further her case.
    If her father was having problems in a predominantly black/asian area, I believe HE had the problem.

    I could live in the same area and I KNOW I wouldn’t have any racial issues directed at me.

    No im not you fascist. Explain to us all what problem my dad had with black/asian people?

    Gosh you are daft. You might like someone, they might not like you regardless.


    @cath 55 wrote:

    I think the problem is , isnt the fact that emma supports the BNP .
    to me one of the problems is the stereotyping and generalisation that all people of colour or different religion are bad people. Emma just because you came across a pocket of people who gave you and your family an extremely bad deal, it doesnt mean that all of the rest of the population of their colour or religion are all the same fgs. do not tar people with the same brush!!

    When have i EVER said i hate all non whites, WHEN???????????????????
    Some of you guys REALLY believe the hype, the anti-BNP hype, and that all who support them are crazed minded racists who hate hate hate.
    Ive said, i hate more white English than non whites.
    Ive said, it is NOT the fault of non whites as to why we have a problem in my country, that is also what the BNP say, try and LISTEN?
    How many times do i have to say this before you guys acknowledge it, and it sticks in your brain before you say im hate such n such, come on people, take part here.

    the other thing i want to point out is you obviously have a lot of passion and energy, so instead of spending your energy offering us negative stories offer solutions as well. the BNP is not the b all and end all fgs……….

    I never said there were. I think they are the best option of making my country greater to live in.
    John reid has just said its not racist to say immigration is a problem, yippee.

    Now ask yourselves these very important questions:
    Which party has been asking for the debate about immigration the most? BNP
    Which party has offered a solution to immigration? BNP
    Which party has said “close the borders now”? BNP

    Which party do you prefer listening to? New labour/conservatives.
    Which party let millions in, thats caused the problem? new labour/conservatives
    Which party is responsible? new labour/conservatives.

    you constantly quote stories of violence generated by a small minority of black/asian etc but i dont think i have seen you pick out any stories of violence,unrest or injustices by the ‘white british’ yet

    Dont need to, the media do it for me/us. Im just trying to balance things up.

    a prime example, are the BNP going to be up in arms about the current news story about the paedophile who has just been jailed for 12 years for a list of sex offences against children and who has alledgedly got the remains of 2 children buried in the garden of his home?

    Ive read the BNP, report on peadophiles many a time, and show their disgust. They also have links to a support group of anti-peadophiles in lancashire.

    did the BNP report about the killing of a young boy in liverpool by ‘white british’ are the BNP going to report an old ladyof 93 was raped , robbed and left for dead by a ‘white british man’ ? no i think not.

    I dont know. Did the media? has anyone else here heard about it? have you heard about the incidents local to me? Has any political party reported the above?
    We dont always reply to everything spoken in JC, that we’d like to. One thing is clear, that you brought it to our attention, and now we do know. MORE!!


    @emmalush wrote:

    @cath 55 wrote:

    I think the problem is , isnt the fact that emma supports the BNP .
    to me one of the problems is the stereotyping and generalisation that all people of colour or different religion are bad people. Emma just because you came across a pocket of people who gave you and your family an extremely bad deal, it doesnt mean that all of the rest of the population of their colour or religion are all the same fgs. do not tar people with the same brush!!

    When have i EVER said i hate all non whites, WHEN???????????????????
    Some of you guys REALLY believe the hype, the anti-BNP hype, and that all who support them are crazed minded racists who hate hate hate.
    Ive said, i hate more white English than non whites.
    Ive said, it is NOT the fault of non whites as to why we have a problem in my country, that is also what the BNP say, try and LISTEN?
    How many times do i have to say this before you guys acknowledge it, and it sticks in your brain before you say im hate such n such, come on people, take part here.

    Emma, can you not see that comments like this, which are so patronising, like a mother talking to a wayward child “there, there diddums, it’s not your fault your bad, it’s the nasty people who made you do it” AND

    comments like “non whites” and “my country”- try British citizens and Britain and I’ll consider the response rational

    @emmalush wrote:

    Now ask yourselves these very important questions:
    Which party has been asking for the debate about immigration the most? BNP
    Which party has offered a solution to immigration? BNP
    Which party has said “close the borders now”? BNP

    Immigration has been debated for years- the Tory media (Mail and Express) have been banging the drum for years so please don’t kid yourself the BNP somehow has a moral high ground on an immigration debate

    No, the BNP does NOT have a solution to immigration, it has a policy of repatriation- this is not, under any circumstances a “solution”

    @emmalush wrote:

    Which party do you prefer listening to? New labour/conservatives.
    Which party let millions in, thats caused the problem? new labour/conservatives
    Which party is responsible? new labour/conservatives.

    You continue to make assumptions about peoples political persuaion just because they oppose you and become the very reflection of what you believe them to be

    I don’t need to read any anti-BNP hype- their website does it all for me


    @slayer wrote:

    Emma, can you not see that comments like this, which are so patronising, like a mother talking to a wayward child “there, there diddums, it’s not your fault your bad, it’s the nasty people who made you do it” AND

    comments like “non whites” and “my country”- try British citizens and Britain and I’ll consider the response rational

    You mean the similar patronisation to how you described it?

    Immigration has been debated for years- the Tory media (Mail and Express) have been banging the drum for years so please don’t kid yourself the BNP somehow has a moral high ground on an immigration debate

    :roll: Everyone thinks its their number one policy…

    No, the BNP does NOT have a solution to immigration, it has a policy of repatriation- this is not, under any circumstances a “solution”

    WRONG again, stop telling lies. They have a repatriation policy for those who want it. And people would want it, so it would be a solution. Only today, on sky news a asian female who works for the independant, explained that foreigners would like to go home, even herslef, who’s been here 30 years, and she is a pro multiculturalist like you.


    @emmalush wrote:

    @slayer wrote:

    Emma, can you not see that comments like this, which are so patronising, like a mother talking to a wayward child “there, there diddums, it’s not your fault your bad, it’s the nasty people who made you do it” AND

    comments like “non whites” and “my country”- try British citizens and Britain and I’ll consider the response rational

    You mean the similar patronisation to how you described it?

    Immigration has been debated for years- the Tory media (Mail and Express) have been banging the drum for years so please don’t kid yourself the BNP somehow has a moral high ground on an immigration debate

    :roll: Everyone thinks its their number one policy…

    No, the BNP does NOT have a solution to immigration, it has a policy of repatriation- this is not, under any circumstances a “solution”

    WRONG again, stop telling lies. They have a repatriation policy for those who want it. And people would want it, so it would be a solution. Only today, on sky news a asian female who works for the independant, explained that foreigners would like to go home, even herslef, who’s been here 30 years, and she is a pro multiculturalist like you.

    Emma i havent read all this it is a lot to wade through right at this moment. Emma it wasnt meant to be a personal attack on you. xx


    @emmalush wrote:

    Theres no need to be ignorant pikey, thats not nice :(

    We lived in an area where the locals (asian and african) were 99.9 not white. My dad had what was considered a good job in the area. It was only just round the corner from where we lived, and he used to have to take a block of wood for protection.

    The image of that pretty much explains things. Anyway, it was made clear to us that a white man should not have the job and not live there, and that if we didnt leave, they’d be trouble. If i remember correctly, our cat “lucky” was killed, cant remember how, may have been accident, who knows.

    Ive already explained this to slayer months ago.

    Its not a nice thing to go through, so please dont try winding me up about it, or taking the p. White people have been victims of ethnic cleansing in England. To the great unwashed public of England (who watch eastenders and coronation st etc), it may seem like fiction, but it has and does happen.

    Ive heard of an Englishwoman being cleansed in scotland. No doubt some non white or non english have had it happen. Multiculturalism does not work.

    Do I hear violins playing in the background? Of course Emma, we always take everything you say at face value. Basically, what you’re saying is that your cat disappeared and so your dad quit his job and moved house. That sounds really credible. I suppose he ended up in the same job centre that Ugo used.

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