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7 June, 2016 at 9:00 am #9945337 June, 2016 at 9:30 am #994536
a good lesson, well worth bearing in mind by all of us, laine..
7 June, 2016 at 10:27 am #994553hiya lainey,x nice to converse with you again
not cos youre a millionaire
I dont go in jc chat anymore due to its full of nobrots
who cast spurious allegations
just keep your chin up,keep the faith and dont let the barstards grind you down
the cose xxxx7 June, 2016 at 2:11 pm #994567awww Hi Honey, hope you’re ok?
and….. it’d take a lot more than their pathetic attempts before that lot got to me.
but, that quote is the truest thing I ever read.and just for you heres another good one lol
7 June, 2016 at 6:52 pm #994592lol at quote,yeh IM fine sugar boots xx,IM never far away,tend to loiter round pats c,these days in total disruptment mode
9 June, 2016 at 1:52 pm #994760How to get away from work early ?
10 June, 2016 at 2:12 pm #994829When you think nothing else can shock you…….you think you’ve seen it all…..
Bang!Don’t become complacenct…….become sensitive and passionate
10 June, 2016 at 5:44 pm #994835oh dear, Ms K…
is that a general lesson, or has something just happened to you?
15 June, 2016 at 10:53 pm #995156When you think nothing else can shock you…….you think you’ve seen it all…..
Bang!Don’t become complacenct…….become sensitive and passionate
And so it continues….one day it might end
on the plus side…I am going to Queens Tennis tomorrow…centre court….Murray is playing….a lovely birthday present so fingers crossed there is no rain!!
Lesson is nice things can happen even when bad things are current
21 June, 2016 at 11:50 am #995429the 12 Laws of Karma
1. The Laws of Cause and Effect;
what you so, is what you will reap.2. The Law of Creation;
what you focus on is what you will create.3. The Law of Humility;
let go of what was, accept what is, makes changes toward what will be.4. The Law of Growth;
Our own growth can happen over any circumstance.5. The Law of Responsibility;
Our lives are of our own doing, nothing else.6 The Law of Focus;
One cannot direct full attention beyond a single task7. The Law of Hospitality and Giving;
Demonstrating selflessness, shows our true intentions.8. The Law of Change;
History repeats itself unless changed.9. The Law of Here and Now;
The present moment is all we have.10. The Law of Patience and Reward;
A patient mindset will reap the highest reward.11. The Law of Significance and Inspiration;
The best reward is one that makes an impact.12. How you’re treated = Their Karma;
how you react = Your Karma -
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