Nothing to do with Monty Python i’m afraid. It’s Fair time this week and a reminder that Winter is approaching fast. My stomach can’t handle rides any more so i don’t bother. Strictly hook the duck for me. LOL and a walk through the shopping area. I actually went on the Cage some years ago and to this day i applaud my self for doing it although between that and Freddy’s Revenge…no horror film will scare me as much as them 2 rides!
What i find about these sort of things is that the sensation comes from attempting to defy gravity. I think to my self….gravity is there for a reason…why try to defy it? I used to love watching the glass blowers and other types of crafts people up the fair but one doesn’t see them any more.
Doesn’t start til Wednesday so i shall see what happens…..
Plenty of chip shops i expect. LOL