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13 January, 2008 at 1:21 pm #8979
PB please please please please please please let me back in and i will even wipe ya arse for ya mwaaahhhh mwaaahhhh slurp slurp snogs………………ffs ya could have wiped ya arse before i kissed it.
now that’s a grovel!!!!!
13 January, 2008 at 1:31 pm #303567@reason wrote:
PB please please please please please please let me back in and i will even wipe ya fundamental orifice for ya mwahh mwahh slurp slurp snogs………………ffs ya could have wiped ya fundamental orifice before i kissed it.
now that’s a grovel!!!!!
Thats just sad to grovel, you should be man enough to accept what comes your way for your own actions.
13 January, 2008 at 1:44 pm #303568Anita but me is losted…..they bully me in 1 and 2
………me doesn’t know what to do,i don’t know wether to cwy or get buddy damn mad,tis tewwible honest…………lots of bully beefs in them other forums and they nasty to me
13 January, 2008 at 1:49 pm #303569Reason, maybe you should just reside to the message boards & deal with the fact that your banned from the chatrooms …..!!!
:-({|= :-({|= :-({|=
13 January, 2008 at 2:04 pm #303570@reason wrote:
Anita but me is losted…..they bully me in 1 and 2
………me doesn’t know what to do,i don’t know wether to cwy or get buddy damn mad,tis tewwible honest…………lots of bully beefs in them other forums and they nasty to me
Well I thought my regs in forum one were very nice to you actually netty, when you came in as “locked out” today, begging me to let you back into forum 3. No one bullied you, especially not me. I wouldn,t do that netty..I care you see. :lol: :lol:
13 January, 2008 at 2:14 pm #303571This is in response to yet another foookin episode of the bully boo show in the lobby – peeps pissed off wiv it & me is too.
Mibs…….. is that the best ya got as fooookin back up these days then boo ????
Who was the bloke lurkin at the bar followin peeps round the pubs of Newcastle??
Ya knows ya both lyin bastads 32 other peeps were there remember……. ya gonna foookin call all of them liars too ????
Boo can’t ya remember the 2 geordie lasses that were scared shytteless by the creep at the bar??? Another convienient memory lapse on your part ………… again !!!!!!!
Btw …….. It ends here…… me harrasing you??? Not me signed in mornin noon & nite under dodgy names – comin out with the foookin sarky remarks ….. getting others involved in the pathetic witch hunt you seem to be on – not me screen printing pc’s sending them all over – foookin devious cow
I have moved on …… so give the foook up coz ya aven’t managed to break us up. Suggest you do the same ya 40 faced bastad !!!!!!!!
We both look forward to seeing yas in Leeds ……. seems lots of peeps interested in if we are going …… Well yus we is …… see yas there???????
13 January, 2008 at 2:40 pm #303572At last bat………….someone with a foookin sense of humour.
But they did scareded me coz they swearded at me……..ya know i don’t like norty language
Oh but btw it was sarah who logged in as locked out and not me,as was openly admitted in the room.
So stop pickin on me pweeze pweeze pweeze xxxx
13 January, 2008 at 5:22 pm #303573@reason wrote:
At last bat………….someone with a foookin sense of humour.
But they did scareded me coz they swearded at me……..ya know i don’t like norty language
Oh but btw it was sarah who logged in as locked out and not me,as was openly admitted in the room.
So stop pickin on me pweeze pweeze pweeze xxxx
I never thought I have to say it, but (un)Reason(able), Netty, Mr Swackers, Sweaty Knackers, or whatever he calls himself now, looks great on his knees kissing butt. Suits him. For goodness sakes, man (I use the term man loosely) get a grip on yourself, get a life or try and get a job.
And why are you now hiding behind the imaginary Sarah now? Or is it just another name you are using now?
Or were you yet again too drunk to operate a computer and that poor woman had to do it for you?
Have another vodka, old chap, I’m buying.MiBs
13 January, 2008 at 5:42 pm #303574Now I do understand that sad losers with nothing better to do than moan about each other, think this site is “real” and people who live on welfare “think” we all care about them, but we don’t.
Its just proves what I have always said about them, nothing better to do than moan, moan and moan again.
Can you both just try and get on with your own lives?
Oh wait I am asking them to do “something” without a social worker, a housing officer and a handout from the dhss.
13 January, 2008 at 7:06 pm #303575Oh but btw it was sarah who logged in as locked out and not me,as was openly admitted in the room.
So stop pickin on me pweeze pweeze pweeze xxxx[/quote]
locked_out_: this is Netty now btw………….how long is me fooookin ban for lol
ForumHostJD: as long as it takes netty
locked_out_: can ya not find out though Jd?
ForumHostJD: i could
ForumHostJD: if i wanted
locked_out_: go on i dare ya
locked_out_: am i allowed to call ya a miserable fooooka??
ForumHostJD: if it makes u happy nettyNow you wouldn,t be telling me porkies would you Netty? Fancy blaming poor Sarah, tut. :wink: :lol:
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