Boards Index General discussion Art, poetry, music and film An Ode to my favorite tree ( a short poem)

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  • #1058672

    Dear tree, how i respect thee, you’ve been there so long…long before me and will be there still long after i’m gone.

    On a very windy day, i can hear your branches ferociously shake, but your so strong and sturdy one knows they’ll never break.

    it took hundreds of years possibly to get as tall and strong as you are, the secret being, you built your foundation under ground as support in your roots going out wide and far.

    Some times you give shade to the sun beaten cattle and i ponder to my self…have you witnessed any famous battles?

    The area you grew on was very famous for war…and while it was happening and long after yo’ur probably thinking..” Well what was it all for?

    So i want you to know as once again i walk past you to my home i go, how i respect thee….my favorite tree.

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    Lovely x a soft and gentle poem, engaging and descriptive – and bringing us the possibility that it may well remember history and of times gone by. It is after all a living thing.  Who knows what that tree has witnessed in its life and what it still has to witness.  When we are dead and gone, that tree will carry on, and still shake in the wind and chills even when we wont.

    Post more, have confidence x loved it x


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    Misterq. Myself not good with poems. Like it. Reminds me though when my brother and I and few neighborhood kids built a tree house fort in our favorite tree behind house. We hang up in it. Quiet place, eat look around, hide from others even… nice took me back.

    P.s. just posted in that last thread “the last to post” complimented you at the end, so you have to be last please….ha ha…..

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    Not a writer, some times not a book reader of them, hopeful quiet at work later. Will try to plan and write my first one ever. See how I do….perhaps good way to get rid of my extra female hormone stress. I do see from you both they not necessarily have to have full rhymes in sentences, end though brings together. Always assumed, had too rhyme. Good point… (s)

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    Rhyming poetry is the easiest way to write poetry as you get into a certain rhythm and find words that simply rhyme. i was lectured a lot at school by my teacher for this sort of approach and so as time went on i developed it more into a story like way of telling or like your personally talking to your audience, expanding and feeling as you go.


    In the end, i sort of make it up “on the fly” as it were rather than deliberately looking for words that rhyme – then arranging and editing the structure after to have a nice poetic feel to it.

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    People are going to get sick of me too, suppose.
    Here goes: My very first one ever……
    Sitting alone at my desk, looking at the rest, all the best still not at their desk..
    Not knowing if we have jobs tomorrow, we all are in sorrow, as stress has created unrest, as we question tomorrow. …
    As our phones are quiet now, all alone, ponder myself on tomorrow, who will just leave and quit, providing me extra sorrow…
    You see as a team we all do our best, jobs not always easy we protect the unrest. Not always by others understood why, as not a team, they truly will never understand why. But in the end the unrest provided the best, as this is what our team does best…
    Walking now around in so much pain, I found JC chatter my gain. As with out them now, I would feel more pain…
    Not able to share with others my sorrow, as my strength needed tomorrow, I will look to JC again in need tomorrow…..
    As I must go now, reports to make I see, I close my first poem ever written hoping my new friends see…
    It may not be the best you see….
    But it was a test to try, you all will see…

    P.s. mysterq, another OMG,
    Do not know why thought of that song, as scrolling down she died July 3rd, think 2004…spirit shoot freaky… and still more like her in unable vez mas, argentina,forever young,self control..eyebrows too thick….me thinner..ha ha. Still in shock mode….

    3 members liked this post.

    LOL!@ eye brows thinner.


    Mizzy-Mysterq People are going to get sick of me too, suppose. Here goes: My very first one ever…… Sitting alone at my desk, looking at the rest, all the best still not at their desk.. Not knowing if we have jobs tomorrow, we all are in sorrow, as stress has created unrest, as we question tomorrow. … As our phones are quiet now, all alone, ponder myself on tomorrow, who will just leave and quit, providing me extra sorrow… You see as a team we all do our best, jobs not always easy we protect the unrest. Not always by others understood why, as not a team, they truly will never understand why. But in the end the unrest provided the best, as this is what our team does best… Walking now around in so much pain, I found JC chatter my gain. As with out them now, I would feel more pain… Not able to share with others my sorrow, as my strength needed tomorrow, I will look to JC again in need tomorrow….. As I must go now, reports to make I see, I close my first poem ever written hoping my new friends see… It may not be the best you see…. But it was a test to try, you all will see… P.s. mysterq, another OMG, Do not know why thought of that song, as scrolling down she died July 3rd, think 2004…spirit shoot freaky… and still more like her in unable vez mas, argentina,forever young,self control..eyebrows too thick….me thinner..ha ha. Still in shock mode….

    Well done, Linda :good:

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    Nice one Linda

    Personally I like poems that talk about peoples every day lives and what goes through their minds.

    I liked it :)


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