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  • #359428

    @pats wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    nah im normally down that way this time of year.. its dundee hols, so i would spend them in me pals in Tunbridge wells,and another in surrey. so im kinda missing not being there. nothing holds me back pip, me and my red adidas holdall :)

    p.s can i kip on yer couch ? ;)

    lmao @ red adidas holdall. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    are you slagging my red adidas holdall Patricia !! how dare you,, that holdalls seen some action i can tell ya ! my daughter offers me poncy suitcases on wheels etc,, but im stubborn as fook and the holdall gets taken out once more. it was even at tea in park other week, but its been washed !

    I might even start a blog for it.. ! has more a social life than most ;)


    @rubyred wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    nah im normally down that way this time of year.. its dundee hols, so i would spend them in me pals in Tunbridge wells,and another in surrey. so im kinda missing not being there. nothing holds me back pip, me and my red adidas holdall :)

    p.s can i kip on yer couch ? ;)

    lmao @ red adidas holdall. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    are you slagging my red adidas holdall Patricia !! how dare you,, that holdalls seen some action i can tell ya ! my daughter offers me poncy suitcases on wheels etc,, but im stubborn as fook and the holdall gets taken out once more. it was even at tea in park other week, but its been washed !

    I might even start a blog for it.. ! has more a social life than most ;)

    hehe..if only holdalls cud talk. :lol:


    @pats wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    nah im normally down that way this time of year.. its dundee hols, so i would spend them in me pals in Tunbridge wells,and another in surrey. so im kinda missing not being there. nothing holds me back pip, me and my red adidas holdall :)

    p.s can i kip on yer couch ? ;)

    lmao @ red adidas holdall. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    are you slagging my red adidas holdall Patricia !! how dare you,, that holdalls seen some action i can tell ya ! my daughter offers me poncy suitcases on wheels etc,, but im stubborn as fook and the holdall gets taken out once more. it was even at tea in park other week, but its been washed !

    I might even start a blog for it.. ! has more a social life than most ;)

    hehe..if only holdalls cud talk. :lol:

    well it makes a change from me saying… ” can i get my hole doll :) “


    @pats wrote:

    go clubbing wiv sunny….sian………pebbs………shaz…….pp…….an rubes.
    sneak over to battys an go joyriding in her volvo.
    call at shazzas an flirt like mad wif dave.
    go thro rubes punk nd northern soul collection.
    order chines fa everyone and give sgt the bill…….. :wink:
    nip to oss/s barracks and spray oss as a 1 inch di/ck all over the walls.
    egg PB/s newly painted windows.
    ring mims and and heavy breath down the fone…….. :-
    then crash at bon bons……….nick her fly paper and set fire to her kitchen.
    then sneak off and catch a flight to holland. O:)

    You should really….
    go clubbing in Holland, preferably with a collection of different sized clubs for best effect :wink:
    Go joy riding in oss/s barracks
    Spray paint dave and give shazza the bill
    Crash bat’s volvo into PB’s newly painted windows
    Stick fly paper on Rubes punk collection and set fire to mims
    Flirt with bon bon and drive Pepper batty by heavy breathing
    Eat chinese with sunny, sian, pebs, shaz and pp before catching a 1 inch dic k.


    @minim wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    go clubbing wiv sunny….sian………pebbs………shaz…….pp…….an rubes.
    sneak over to battys an go joyriding in her volvo.
    call at shazzas an flirt like mad wif dave.
    go thro rubes punk nd northern soul collection.
    order chines fa everyone and give sgt the bill…….. :wink:
    nip to oss/s barracks and spray oss as a 1 inch di/ck all over the walls.
    egg PB/s newly painted windows.
    ring mims and and heavy breath down the fone…….. :-
    then crash at bon bons……….nick her fly paper and set fire to her kitchen.
    then sneak off and catch a flight to holland. O:)

    You should really….
    go clubbing in Holland, preferably with a collection of different sized clubs for best effect :wink:
    Go joy riding in oss/s barracks
    Spray paint dave and give shazza the bill
    Crash bat’s volvo into PB’s newly painted windows
    Stick fly paper on Rubes punk collection and set fire to mims
    Flirt with bon bon and drive Pepper batty by heavy breathing
    Eat chinese with sunny, sian, pebs, shaz and pp before catching a 1 inch dic k.

    only if you come with me mims. i know a grt little irish pub we could go rampant in. 8)


    Oh this thread has made me laugh, everybodies on top form today lol


    well i would…………..

    nip round to PATS house, steal her vest and put it up for sale on Ebay.

    go to sunny’s and say…….”how you doinnnn”

    run round to Bat’s house and smoke her out, cut her bat wings off
    and stick them on her volvo, (instant bat mobile) :wink:

    go to PB’s house and spray paint in big giant letters GEOFF WAZ ERE!

    go to geoff’s house and spray paint in big giant letters PB WAZ ERE TOO!

    nip over to see chessy kins, have a nice irish coffee sing a few rebel songs
    and erase her memory of sheila’s wheels.

    go to caffs house for one of her famous hugglesssssss.

    break into doa’s house and remove all the font colour and font size from his pc
    (that would confuse him for sure) :D

    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @forumhostgm wrote:

    well i would…………..

    nip round to PATS house, steal her vest and put it up for sale on Ebay.

    go to sunny’s and say…….”how you doinnnn”

    run round to Bat’s house and smoke her out, cut her bat wings off
    and stick them on her volvo, (instant bat mobile) :wink:

    go to PB’s house and spray paint in big giant letters GEOFF WAZ ERE!

    go to geoff’s house and spray paint in big giant letters PB WAZ ERE TOO!

    nip over to see chessy kins, have a nice irish coffee sing a few rebel songs
    and erase her memory of sheila’s wheels.

    go to caffs house for one of her famous hugglesssssss.

    break into doa’s house and remove all the font colour and font size from his pc
    (that would confuse him for sure) :D

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    :lol: :lol: :lol: touch my vest…….feel my fist!!!!


    @forumhostgm wrote:

    well i would…………..

    nip round to PATS house, steal her vest and put it up for sale on Ebay.

    go to sunny’s and say…….”how you doinnnn”

    run round to Bat’s house and smoke her out, cut her bat wings off
    and stick them on her volvo, (instant bat mobile) :wink:

    go to PB’s house and spray paint in big giant letters GEOFF WAZ ERE!

    go to geoff’s house and spray paint in big giant letters PB WAZ ERE TOO!

    nip over to see chessy kins, have a nice irish coffee sing a few rebel songs
    and erase her memory of sheila’s wheels.

    go to caffs house for one of her famous hugglesssssss.

    break into doa’s house and remove all the font colour and font size from his pc
    (that would confuse him for sure) :D

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    rebel songs :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    are you looking my windows put in :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:



    Right then, I would:

    Go round PB,s house and take him for a spin round the M25 in my batmobile.
    Fly over to chess,s place and encourage all my fellow nocturnal creatures to nest in her roof.
    Go to PATS house and leave bat droppings all over her vest.
    Send doa a virus.
    Go round to GM,s house and paint “Bat woz ere” all over her front door.
    Take pebs and pretty and sunny for a booze up and talk about PATS behind her back. :lol: :lol:

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