poll end date and time - November 11, 2017 12:00:00 AM - yes made by me lets see who the smart people are, maybe just post: yes or no, wud be enough. - this time with a - poll.
well according to the messages you send me, which I duly ignore.. ya might be.. – altho what i said was a opnion of how u responded on the other thread relating to a different topic, what i have a screenshot of, so i decied to label u on that day –
To be honest……..that just is a great guy. in this place…you live or die where you stand. Acorns always grow to be great trees. You just have to protect your roots. Funny thing is….Lord of the rings shows that even trees look after each other. A walking and talking tree? Not sure about talking but every thing and every one communicates.
anyway @youhavemystapler wanted this – thread – to be made so i made it, –
so here is @youhavemystapler using the guest name obv trolling me, i have more info about what he said to me and others but we dont need to see the nasty rubbish he says – Guest 756 – is – @youhavemystapler –
justnothing, you’re fucking retarded
Guest 756
Oct 27th, 12:13:07 am
you were always a retard
Guest 756
Oct 27th, 12:14:06 am
just nothing, do a poll on the boards asking people if they think you’re retarded
Guest 756
Oct 27th, 12:47:04 am
just call it “poll to see if i’m really retarded”
Guest 756
Oct 27th, 12:51:00 am
just if you change it to is stap retarded it won’t be funny. it has to be you
Guest 756
Oct 27th, 12:51:31 am
give it 2 weeks just and tell mizzy to not troll your thread with crap as you’re looking for simple yes/no answers only
Guest 756
Oct 27th, 1:15:37 am – so i did, so the date is now – 11 nov 2017, – so i listend to him and look he still failed with is dumb plan aww.
Ha STAP it dont matter that your plan to troll me did not work, as you could maybe win the competition, with the topic related to being a social reject, what you obv are offline and it seems online to lol doh, i am still shocked that you have been banned 2 times, yet someone keeps unbanning you, even thou you habitually troll people who are kind.
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.