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Am i retarded? – JUSTNOTHING

poll end date and time - November 11, 2017 12:00:00 AM - yes made by me lets see who the smart people are, maybe just post: yes or no, wud be enough. - this time with a - poll.

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  • #1077544

    :wacko: :good:   atm it is  – yes – 2/no – 6, from –

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.

    stop caring x

    I stopped caring so long ago

    just be you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    its funny x remember they are all mostly ugly and have nothing g0ing for them. and they have no idea how people with mental health suffer, they just catergorise us and don’t get it.  laugh at them like I do

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by  Sairs73.

    oh MIZZ it is not that i care what they say, but it wud be interesting to know who has enough brain cells, but tbh it was as i did not know how to make that poll thing, but i have found out how now.


    hey you know what just? I was mean to you when I was drunky x I am sorry for that and I know you cannot forgive me. you but you don’t need to forgive me I am ok just as I am.

    I will never ever beg you for your forgiveness.

    still your mate

    I can cope without your forgiveness


    ffs I look like jabba the hut


    I don’t even have any genitalia

    Mario was so right

    I really do look and feel like jabba

    hes seen me on webcam to call me jabba

    I’m retarded and look like a star wars character just x

    is it time for a boogy?

    I will wobble my fatness to music






    not many have depth of character, they are all just shallow pathetic unfeeling arseholes without any creativity so they abuse people they see as people with the creativity they don’t have just wanting to be liked but never showing any true part of themselves then abuse us for being diffent

    1 member liked this post.

    i will let u know MIZZ if i forgive u.

    i mean i forgave JAN one time, but then she thought i was talking bs about her when she was not logged in, and the fact was i was  talking about her but i was not talking bs about her, but some stiring chatter obv stierd what i said about JAN, or JAN just thought i just said bs about her, but the dumb person bls the stirer or just the person not telling her what i actully said, then she was being horrible to me, so  readded her to my list.


    no just

    you have not realised

    I do like you but whether or not you forgive me does not matter

    that is your  issue not mine

    and I will continue to thrive and do my own thing regardless of whether you or anyone forgive me or wants to talk to me lol I stopped caring a long time ago. I’m sorry if I was offensive to you x

    I stopped giving a crap about what people thought about me and if they thought I was their friend – I am no ones friend. I don’t trust any one of you. :) I am still funny and nice though x always








    ok  MIZZ i get u, tbh it is not a issue to me as like your self i am not botherd if people like me or not, if they do that is a bonus if they dont, that is ok i have learnt to deal with certion types of people, i dont let people upset or anger me anymore i have not for years, i do ? why people are how they are thou.

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