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  • #3002



    Very interesting poem William….is it based on real events?


    No Angel , most of my poems are alerted by something I have seen or read , I just then adapt to suit -Have a nice day -Love William :)


    Thanks William…..have a lovely day yourself :)



    It’s one thing to write a poem on how you are feeling whether that emotion is love, anger, or jealousy. BUT….you have went even further and wrote a story with all those emotions in it! That can be difficult.

    I have many poem where I do just that, and those poems have been some of my best poetry. I am totally loving this poem William. You know I can have a bad morning, and I can come here and read poetry and it just changes my whole mood. Poetry ROCKS!!

    Great poem….keep them coming!!



    Once more I thank thee maiden for thy critique of mt humble work ,before thee I kneel ,thus I will not rise till thee permit – I can just hear you now saying soppy sod-Love William :roll:



    Thoroughly enjoyed that William mate :D


    Thanx Oss-Regards William :)





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