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1 December, 2010 at 1:09 pm #15634
It’s National AIDS day today, they are talking about it on the tv at the moment.
With millions of people HIV+ there is very little spoken about the illness. Has the 80s AIDS campaign that we all got so used to seeing now been forgotten? Are the younger generations aware of this illness in the same way we were made aware? Teenagers of today think the only nasty they can catch from unprotected sex is Chlamidia, as that is the one in the media that they are making teenagers aware of… should there be a new campaign? Is it as bad as they thought it would become or was the hype all over estimated?
Over to you..
1 December, 2010 at 2:37 pm #455437Apparently rates have decreased over the last 4 years, however it’s estimated that there are over 20,000 people in the UK who are infected but don’t realise it.
Was it hype? No, it was a scary prediction of what would happen if we did nothing, but the high profile media campaigns banged the drum loud and clear and we listened. More people use condoms now, it is acceptable for women to carry condoms, it is acceptable to say no to unprotected sex. We did something and the worst predictions didn’t happen as a result.
However these days the HIV focus in the media seems to be very much on Africa and third world countries, and it concerns me that today’s generation might think that it doesn’t apply to them…same as some of the other “older” diseases. I do think that a high-profile, hard-hitting campaign is needed to bring it home as loud and clearly as it was to us.
The good thing is that with early detection and improved treatments, someone diagnosed with HIV now can go on to live a reasonably healthy and long life, it isn’t the scary death sentence that it was. There’s still a lot of work to do to remove the stigma and to encourage people to be tested though.
1 December, 2010 at 2:51 pm #455438what is worrying is there is a New Load of folks becomming infected. the over 45’s !! Maybe a marriage break up, or affairs but whatever the reason its all own to ignorance from a generation, that should know better… probably thinking its all gone now,and the fact they were with previous partners for years an have not slept about.So assume eveyone is the same. Plus the fact they dont have to worry about pregnancy etc, ( in most cases). We ae getting younger,despite the number of candles on a cake.Lets embrace this font of relative Youth, with keeping safe.
1 December, 2010 at 3:38 pm #455439A condom is for life . . . Not just xmas :?:
“It is not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection” Said the Pontif
Pope Benedict has suggested that the use of condoms could be justified in some exceptional circumstances. :roll:
A quick consideration of the huge numbers of teen mothers might suggest
Teenagers of today think the only nasty they can catch from unprotected sex is Chlamidia,
1 December, 2010 at 3:41 pm #455440My mum used to tell me and my siblings that a baby was the nicest thing you could catch from unprotected sex…
It worked..
Out of 7 of us none of us had a teen pregnancy!
I remember…
AIDS can kill so don’t be silly, put a condom on your willy…
considering I was a child in the 80s it musta sunk in!
1 December, 2010 at 3:44 pm #455441@melody wrote:
My mum used to tell me and my siblings that a baby was the nicest thing you could catch from unprotected sex…
It worked..
Out of 7 of us none of us had a teen pregnancy!
I remember…
AIDS can kill so don’t be silly, put a condom on your willy…
considering I was a child in the 80s it musta sunk in!
Pardon looool :lol: :o It’s not funny uh-uh :o
1 December, 2010 at 3:46 pm #455442I had impure thoughts when I typed ‘sunk in’
Am glad it’s not just me with the durteeeee mind lol
1 December, 2010 at 3:48 pm #455443And you approaching the threshold as well :o :wink:
2 December, 2010 at 12:03 am #455444@melody wrote:
It’s National AIDS day today, they are talking about it on the tv at the moment.
With millions of people HIV+ there is very little spoken about the illness. Has the 80s AIDS campaign that we all got so used to seeing now been forgotten? Are the younger generations aware of this illness in the same way we were made aware? Teenagers of today think the only nasty they can catch from unprotected sex is Chlamidia, as that is the one in the media that they are making teenagers aware of… should there be a new campaign? Is it as bad as they thought it would become or was the hype all over estimated?
Over to you..
I see your point and I agree. I suppose because AIDS / HIV is treatable these days it’s not seen as such a big deal.
2 December, 2010 at 1:43 pm #455445It’s always a good thing to be reminded every so often that these dreadful and often fatal illnesses are still out there………..we should never become complacent.
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