Sitting alone, numb from the pain
Not the physical, the mental pain
The fear, the anguish.
Not coming to terms with my loss
The loss of your life, your energy
Your soul.
Nothing making any sense, not to me
Senseless, everything
Why me? Am I mad? Am I bad?
I didn’t think so
Maybe now!
So tiny, so perfect, so beautiful
Too weak, too young, too early
You tried, I tried, we tried
Too late, you were gone.
Not nothing!
A life, a human life
A small, tiny, perfect, beautiful life
Gone where?
A little Cherub
A cherub with wings
Listening, learning, seeing, hearing, watching
From the stars above
Looking, smiling, laughing, playing.
Waiting! Till we meet again
Above the clouds
The Sun, The Moon, The Stars
On your wings
Your soft, tender wings
Of love.
By me