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  • #1966


    Me and the wife have been saving up all year for Xmas, we pay into an account £15 a fortnight to some friends that we know, we’ve done it for years and come this time every year we recieve about £400 in Vouchers which can be spent in numerous shops, really helps with having 4 kids and we usually manage to buy tthe majority of their pressies with it, we’ve been waiting for about 3 weeks now for them to arrive….which they finally did today :lol: I phoned her this afternoon from work, you know the usual chit chat and she told me then that she had recieved them a few hours earlier, great I thought :lol:

    I get home tonight and watch the footy with me mate and when he’s gone she goes and tells me that she has lost the F*cking vouchers :cry: looked everywhere she has, she thinks she may have been robbed whilst out shoppping this afternoon, obviously me being a bloke I hit the roof and now she’s off upstairs in tears :cry:

    She phoned her mum prior to telling me, so now she’s worried too. I’ve told her to ring her mum in the morning and tell her she’s found them, otherwise she’ll worry like mad and offer to give us some of her vouchers, at least this way I feel that at least her mum won’t worry and we would have managed to rescue something from this situation.

    Any more advice would be good though, like maybe a good horse tip? :)



    Well the first thing to do spot… is to go and console your wife.

    Tell her it isn’t her fault, after all things like these happen. In situations like this you should share the misfortune and not make it feel like it is all down to your wife after all marriage is a partnership.

    Cheer her up and try and laugh about it after all Love makes the world go round and Laughter lightens the sorrow.

    Try and think of a solution tomorrow when you have slept on it and of course let your mother know everything is alright.

    Oh and one more thing – get saving again quickly :lol:


    i don’t understand the point behind these vouchers.. you pay so much money into them, then you get vouchers that can only be used in various shops?

    but anyway

    i know how things are easily lost in your house, having 4 kids and a dog, things are bound to get moved or lost, i know you are still searching for the remote control you lost 3 months ago

    i reckon they will turn up, i think you explain to tracy you had been working from 8am till 7pm and you bound to get a bit snappy

    did these vouchers come in the post? maybe whats happened.. tracy has used all the vouchers and bought you an xbox 360 for christmas :)


    maybe you should phone the company who does the vouchers….maybe they will reimburse you if you have logged it with the police and reported them missing….worth a try :wink:



    dodgy git :shock:


    maybe you should report that missing then too :D :lol:



    Oh man that totally bites! But don’t take it out on your wife, I am sure she feels awful about it on her own.
    Otherwise, I would definately report it and see if the company can stop payment on those vouchers and reissue new ones. Hope things work out for you.


    Spot – take her a cuppa, give her a hug and say it’s not her fault.

    It’s an awful thing to happen, and she must feel bad enough. The only thing you can do is as has been said – try and get them cancelled.

    And next year….can I recommend putting the money away into a savings account where it is safe, and only draw out the money when you are both about to go and do the shopping?

    Hope you can save up some more between now and Xmas



    Well thanks everyone, for your advice and sympatyhy, apparantly the Police are looking for someone who was dancing down the high street yesterday kisiing people at random and declaring “Hallerlooouuu, there is a Santa clause” :lol:

    Serouosly though got a terse text this morning from the wife saying “Found them” that was it nothing else, she phones me at dinner and I say “great news,” she said

    “Not really only found half of them”

    She’s left them in Argos yesterday after buying something with them :cry: she phoned this morning but when she went to collect them about £100 was missing…seems strange to me, but HO HO HO at least we have something back I guess.

    thanks again, I’ll be posting another thread laster entitled

    “How Women mess up then make their husbands feel like Crap all day”

    Thanks again


    well it is your fault mate, i mean, she was shopping in argos, because you could’nt, because you was working, let that be a lesson to you 8)

    glad you found half of them though, still don’t understand the point of these vouchers mind, maybe next year, just give mw £35 a month, and i’ll look after them for you., and give you £300 to spend come christmas :)

    anyway, see ya laters on, i gotta nick some notepads at work, as it seems you might have lost them too

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