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17 August, 2019 at 7:51 pm #1123307
The JC Playground is one of those places where you have to wonder about people. You certainly don’t know what people’s real lives are by being in here. The fact is people change if they are effected by what happens in here. For a small handful it’s a place to play and they create their own entertainment out of what they find here. For some it’s a case of life treating them badly so they come in here with all the anger and bitterness and let it out. For others it’s a place to say things they can never say offline, and face no consequences and for others it’s about making a ‘Them’ that will be accepted when they aren’t offline and for the rest? Boredom ,wanting a space to have a natter and insomnia or some cases of alcohol/drug ADHD lol. You’ll no doubt make friends and also meet the ones who become mental cases at the mere sight of you chatting and you’ll meet the trolls, those select few that want to know more about you than any police force established in any country,which they’ll then ignore and make up their own versions. It really is a mixture, you can have nights in ,talking and laughing about different subjects with one or more people,meeting new friends or finding out who you hope to god doesn’t live near you, or you may just sit there wondering “why the fuck do I come here again?” The simple fact is ,you do and no matter where we are from, whoever we are, we all come into this adult school yard playground for our own reasons. Sometimes it’s awful and sometimes it’s downright funny. Either way, it’s OUR choice, remember that… This isn’t the rest of your life, it’s a form of entertainment where you just come in chill out,talk to those you really like and try and have fun in-between the utter madness and sometimes horrible way people treat eachother. So next time you’re sitting there and this isn’t fun, remember,this is one school yard we get to click out of.
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17 August, 2019 at 8:47 pm #1123309You start the thread by saying ” you certainly don’t know what peoples real lives are ” Then you explain what everyones lives are, hmmm. Going as far as saying they’re druggies, alcoholics and people suffering with ADHD.
Way too judgemental for me, seems a little overbearing.
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
17 August, 2019 at 9:25 pm #1123311Reading back through the overbearing mind of a schoolyard child, one has to wonder after calling chatters alcoholics, druggies and saying they have ADHD. Then putting lol at the end of that suggests an immature, judgemental anxious person craving to be an object of ridicule.
17 August, 2019 at 10:02 pm #1123312As we not perfect like you ghost in styles of writing, expression and wisdom, our opinions, thoughts and ideas are ours nevertheless. As we may not like all said, or agree with what said..if like or not..our opinion.
I agree this is an adult school playground at times..we all laugh, giggle, remember our innocent days..heeee… BUT for some no matter problems they have like we often hear, “DO not bring your problems to work or home” in which your mood will be a chain reaction for others. This certainly happens here in which some take advantage for revenge, jealous or mere sad entertainment hurting others merely to say next day..”Just joking” and find excuses for being foul in first place using own personal problems for an excuse.
Frankly I am tired of few who use this area as attack center. Grow up! Join circus, or sleep and get some rest!
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17 August, 2019 at 10:02 pm #1123313Life is a schoolyard with no teachers
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17 August, 2019 at 10:07 pm #1123316At no point did I call anyone a “druggie” Or alcoholic. As people are aware,the reason I had insomnia was an accidental medication reduction,triggering insomnia. I also have friends who after a night out come in to chat,who don’t chat normally sober or like one particular friend who will come in during weed sessions. Their choice. So far in my interactions with you despite being limited,you have not rushed to presume as other board members do. I suggest you re read my comments and I’ll gladly ignore yours as a minor rush to judgement. And btw, I’m the one with ADHD.
So far you seem to gain knowledge about boards members,I suggest you do so without picking up their habits. No hate, I like a few of your posts and I’m aware so far this is the first time you’ve ever presumed. Have a nice night ,Ghost_Child.
17 August, 2019 at 10:34 pm #112331718 August, 2019 at 3:07 am #1123323Firstly Ghosty that emoji needs headlice cream.
Secondly all the “play” has gone out of Just Chat. Martin totally ruined it when he created the members system and the new format a couple of years ago.
Before Marty fkd JC up, we typed our posts and could see our whole piece on our screen BEFORE posting. This made it possible to QUICKLY proofread and post. This lent itself to proper coversations and posting valid comments.
In his wisdom Marty, the total master of fkuppery, now has us typing across one line. This along with his shite connection and constant lag, make it almost impossible to type and post more than 5 words at speed.
The result = the utterly inane “Hi bye the kids loved their fish pie xxxxx”, is now all that Just Shit is.
Basically it is just not funny anymore. Personally I do not go to a chat site to read the boring shite I can hear in the supermarket aisles.
“Yes mum is doing well in the hospital thanks”
“Did she like her purple slippers?”,
“Oh yes thanks she is taking them to Pontins next week”
“Oh that’s nice, not been to Pontins for years, they’ve got nice sand… ”
This stuff belongs in PM!
BUT, HANG ON, Martin saw fit to make PMING the preserve of members, and THEN give those shitty non guides free reign to remove over half the members accounts!
Most of the remaining members are so fkin boring I doubt they would put up with each other’s PMs. The guests cannot start a PM. So the result is lots of PM conversations all at cross purposes in the main room!
No wonder there is so much fighting.
Just Chat is fkd!
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18 August, 2019 at 4:29 pm #1123357mmmm that was a joy to read.
<<< Look the head lice cream worked thanks.
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
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