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2 June, 2018 at 5:31 pm #1097222
I have thought on for a few hours before replying to this post as, most of you know, myself and Tracy are good friends and have been for almost 20 years. I asked her to not respond to this BUT as most know, she is very much her own person and makes her own choices. Personal info on the boards? I disagree with it , HOWEVER, after similar allegations I found myself posting pictures of another chatter online and revealing her name in chat. In hind-sight, should I have done it? NO. Do I feel at the time I was right to do so? YES.
When someone continually attacks your character, especially your ability to parent and your relationship/s with your children, they are on very rocky ground. Topics that I believe have no place in chat, ever. Most parents will fight their corner, gloves off.
Am I going to slate Mizzy for her constant side swipes at Tracy , its futile and no doubt will continue. Will I agree Tracy took the right route, no. But, what I will do is clarify some things…
Mizzy you HAVE and continue to name Tracys children in chat, you have divulged her location on more than one occasion. You stir the pot and often are guilty of what you accuse others of. You make unfounded allegations and expect no-one to respond.
FACT : Any time my friend has spent away from her child, has been done so as circumstances deemed it was in HIS best interests. Never forced or ordered. And never born out of a situation she herself created.
FACT : Her son broke HIS OWN leg during a tumble. There was never any questions raised or allegations made with regards to either parent and Tracy was not present when the accident took place. And, for the record, children have accidents, that does not make the parent a bad parent, it makes the child a regular child.
FACT : In the time I have known Tracy she has never had any involvement with social services based on her ability to parent, safeguard, protect her child, or any other matter beyond a visit caused by a chatter making false allegations in the past.
If you both wish to continue, feel free, but please lets keep it factual.
FACT : Mizzy you stated in the room this am that your address is not available online, and being the curious cow that I am, I looked, it is and I wont say where where I found it but if you would like to PM me I will advise what site and you are then free to remove it if you so wish.
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2 June, 2018 at 5:49 pm #1097223I totally agree with what Boo has put, I have met Tracy on a few occasions and i have seen the relationship she has with her son which is fantastic.
Mizzy how can you even post crap about Tracy on the boards, when you have never met Tracy or her children. I find it totally out of order that you can accuse someone like you have and think that you can get away with it.
I never post on the boards normally, but i felt that i needed to say something.
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2 June, 2018 at 5:56 pm #1097224Hilarious…….oh so hilarious
You have been telling the room where I live ….where I work….or should I say where your investigations thought I lived and worked…..naming the shop that supposedly is owned by me ex and I work in…..are you 2 really that sad you need to spend your time scuttling around the internet finding out information about other chatters….you were also involved in Tigergate….egging him on to tell lies he met me….you goinf to repay him with phone sex? Your style…..
and only the other day the other oh so innocent one telling the room once again that I’ve slept with numerous blokes including joker… whinge and moan the pair of you about people talking about you when you’re not in the room ….is it because you never do it I suppose?
karma….wont change using any camera angle
now fuck off with your self righteous attitude and have a lovely day
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2 June, 2018 at 5:57 pm #1097225I totally agree with what Boo has put, I have met Tracy on a few occasions and i have seen the relationship she has with her son which is fantastic. Mizzy how can you even post crap about Tracy on the boards, when you have never met Tracy or her children. I find it totally out of order that you can accuse someone like you have and think that you can get away with it. I never post on the boards normally, but i felt that i needed to say something.
She posts disgusting stuff about people she has never met too…..end of
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2 June, 2018 at 6:00 pm #1097228Please, keep it factual :)
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2 June, 2018 at 6:01 pm #1097229I also agreed with boo and you aslo lilly mizzy has no right bring her son on boards at all and put a chatter pic up its so uncalled know nothing about tracy at all so mizzy stop trolling chatters get a life have a good day you lowlife bitch
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2 June, 2018 at 6:10 pm #1097231Oh miss so innocent kunty.
How did I know you were going to get involved.
you go around every males pm telling them how bad I am and too keep away from me even email them with your vitrol about me threatening not to talk to them again if they talk to me.
One of them is a regular user of these boards .
You sit there in numbers abusing people and don’t say you don’t. You were caught out last week because only you and you only were told some information and then you used it to abuse a certain chatter.
You have shagged anything that moves on here for years. The joker one … does two ginger pubes shake your memory
Have a nice day cos I sure will.
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
number 1 tracy.
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2 June, 2018 at 8:34 pm #1097249 -
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
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