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  • #1098707

    The thing that has struck me the most about JC – ever since I’ve been here – can be summed up in one word.

    No, not shyte.

    It’s slander.

    The slander often has a small element of truth in it, which is what makes it so threatening to the victim.

    But often, there is no element of truth in it at all.

    Do you remember the accusation that Linda was a male? How that spread until everybody was absolutely convinced it was true! Yet when I met Linda to collect some American goods, I found a very earnest American woman. We laughed and chatted together. Like many Americans. she was financially generous (Americans can be as tight-arsed as anyone else, and some are very tight, but financial generosity is part of their culture – one of many strengths in their culture, though there are also many weaknesses).

    Lincoln once said when an aspiring politicians, that he no longer read descriptions of himself which were only partly true. He read descriptions of himself which were so off-beam that he felt he was reading about a different person. he said it felt really, really strange.

    I must say that’s what I feel when I read discussions of me as a Bennite socialist, a liberal snowflake, or a right-wing Labour member of the chattering classes, never mind Ms Mooosey’s discussion of me on the film thread. There’s only so long that I can say no, I am not a racist, I am not a muslim, I am not an islamophobe, I am not…….In the end you just give up.

    Let me tell you, Linda turned out to be not a man. You were all wrong, dead wrong.

    learn. Remember you don’t know any of the people tapping away behind the keyboard – they may be murderers, or people feeling desolation,  or suicides or….

    Learn. You don’t know the real people here, jut the messages.



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    Elvis was very financially generous……..gave many people new cars i believe……


    Lincoln was right………why read any thing about your self that you like?….any one can do that….honest Abe they called him…..


    I must say that’s what I feel when I read discussions of me as a Bennite socialist, a liberal snowflake, or a right-wing Labour member of the chattering classes, never mind Ms Mooosey’s discussion of me on the film thread. There’s only so long that I can say no, I am not a racist, I am not a muslim, I am not an islamophobe, I am not…….In the end you just give up.”

    Careful Scep, reading that post infers I have accused you of those things. I have never accused Linda of being a man. I have never accused you of being a racist, a Muslim ( though I’m not really sure how that’s an accusation). I have never accused you of being an Islamaphobe,  or a Liberal snowflake or a right wing member of the chattering classes. I have accused you of coming across as patronising, condescending and lecturing people.

    I stand by those accusations as in my opinion that is how you come across. So we are not all dead wrong….. and believe it or not, you are not always dead right.



    My main point here was a memeory of Lincoln’s comment on how strange it was to read about someone and then find out that the odd character in question was him! lol

    Ms M,

    I think if you read that carefully, you are singled out for the discussion on the film thread. I made my point against you there, and it’s not actually a personal point.

    You’re singled out there because you’ve not accused me of any of the above. Satisfied? I doubt it. Something else going on.

    Patronising?? I don’t see it, but if you see it, nothing I can help there.

    You’ve called me repeatedly a fanatic on the EU….as though you and others here aren’t. You won’t deflect debate on the EU by that cheap tactic – it was and is one of the most important issues facing this country since the war. It’s been decided to leave, but a second vote decided not to make a sharp break. On the outcome of that hangs the adequacy of the   Health Service, of mental health and social care, etc. If a sharp break occurs, the result will be an economic shock of a major order to this country, together with a sapping of democratic institutions. There are people who want that shock – Ian Duncan Smith has explicitly said it would change Britain fundamentally and set it on a new course, and we know where he wants to take it.

    You and your nasty mates won’t silence me on it! Arron banks financed a campaign which showed genuine contempt for ordinary people. He admitted he was lying and prepared to lead people up the garden path. He and his followers are prepared to say anything, smear anyone, do anything at all to get their way – the economic shock which they think will make Britain a different place. Banks, Rees-Mogg and Duncan Smith are ok – they’re not the ones thrown into poverty if they have their way!


    I was bringing in Lincoln because he said how strange it was to read others


    Thank u scep for support of me not a male. Hee..shall we discuss not going to UK as well?

    As far as generous thank you. My father implanted on us in our wee days, share what you are blessed with if makes other smile as do you. Share good fortunes with those who are true friends, there for you unconditionally even if u f…k up. His words. Lol.. and a practice all my life even if I go with out. My acts of advocacy presume as well.

    Been forgetting to ask, Heeeeee how the camera? Need more film let me know. Xx


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    Sceptical Guy :

    I think if you read that carefully, you are singled out for the discussion on the film thread.
    I made my point against you there, and it’s not actually a personal point.

    ”” I must say that’s what I feel when I read discussions of me as a Bennite socialist, a liberal snowflake, or a right-wing Labour member of the chattering classes,
     never mind Ms Mooosey’s discussion of me on the film thread.”

    To a casual reader that looks as though what I said on film thread was even worse than the accusations which have been made by others and it is a personal point as you have singled me out, again ! You keep saying there is something going on, I’ve no idea what you mean by this, there is nothing going on in the background that you are unaware of, nothing to my knowledge anyway.
    I am not fanatical about Brexit what so ever, I made my choice, I hope and believe I made the correct choice there’s not a lot more I can do about it.
    Yes I have said you sound fanatical about it as you bring it up on most threads in one way or another.
    Mental Health care, social care, The Health Service etc has been underfunded for years, cuts to social care particularly mental healthcare are worse than ever and now everyone is concerned about it ?? Because they want to blame Brexit for it ? lol  There is no way of measuring what would have been better or worse had we chose to stay. I certainly didn’t see any promises of more funding if we voted remain ?

    I have never said I supported Aaron Banks.

    I don’t have any nasty mates on these boards.

    I don’t have any ‘mates’ on these boards.
    I have no wish to silence you on Brexit at all. You made a thread specifically on Brexit, yet you infiltrate your passion about it on every other current thread as well, as you have on this one.
    I would appreciate it if you didn’t lump me in with others who also happen to disagree with you. Thankyou.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by  mooosey88.
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    I have renamed the message boards……..just write….LOL…great slogan if ever there was one………


    well, mister q, the boards inevitably become a mix of argument and music and messages.

    They’re there for everybody.


    I am saying this seriously.

    You are a Brexit fanatic, as bad as any of other three characters who like to appear here.

    You are a Brexit fanatic for one reason.

    Where I am ready to accept Brexit if it works, you/re ready to stick with it, no matter what misery it causes. You said so explicitly when you accepted that there was no Plan B, on what to do should failure occur.

    No matter what misery it causes.

    We can start with that. I’ll point to the swindling and misinformation of Arron Banks and Vote.Leave etc about the ‘brexit dividend’ (haha) or rule from the ‘Brussels superstate’ another time, preferably if/when there is a move to rejoin. That’s enough to be going on with.

    Sceptical Guy :

    There is no way of measuring what would have been better or worse had we chose to stay. I certainly didn’t see any promises of more funding if we voted remain ?

    Absolute rubbish.
    We know more or less just how much brexit has caused and will cause economic damage, and how much would be happening anyway.
    When sterling suffered a major fall the day after the referendum, that was due to brexit.
    When Britain, the fastest growing economy in the G7 in 2016, is now the slowest, that is due to Brexit.
    When London, which was twice as attractive to investors as Paris in 2016, is now less attractive than Paris, that is due to Brexit.
    When the president of the CBI warned a couple of days ago that uncertainty is driving tens of millions of pounds of investment in this country away, that is because of Brexit (though, I hope, it can be halted, though who knows with this lot in power).
    When the logistics industry expresses a growing terror at march 2019, with speculation that the Port of Dover could be permanently closed after one day, that is due to brexit.
    Don’t push the crap that it all would have happened anyway.

    I’ve refrained from playing with all the monthly statistics games for one reason – it will take several years before we fully know the impact of Brexit, maybe it will all be hunky dory, but maybe it will be quite dire. We won’t know for a while. What a risk!!!

    If it proves a success, or there is little change, then I’ll stop campaigning for rejoining the EU.
    If not, will you accept that it’s time to get back to a major trading arrangement?? Or are you a genuine Brexit fanatic, dipping your head in the bucket.

    If it is a mess, I fear far worse than rejoining the EU. The anger could be very great, and Arron Banks and Tommy Robinson types could thrive

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