Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › ABORTION is a woman’s RIGHT
15 August, 2007 at 1:36 am #278570
No, they don’t have any say unless it is a loving relationship (boo fucking hoo) because quite frankly Uber you are just a sperm donor, nothing more; nothing less, thats all you are, get used to it!
It is the women’s body, the woman’s right to choose if she keeps the fetus..NOT YOURS….but if you decide to impregnate a woman and they can prove it then you pay for your be careful where you leave your spunk.
I don’t know who you associate with but from your obvious insults to women it’s someone that has hurt and taken advantage of you and for that I’m sorry. Not all women are like that!
15 August, 2007 at 7:08 am #278571@calamity wrote:
only in the papers today there was an 18 yr old who had… had 5 abortins surely thats not right?
Would you rather the had 5 kids and an evergrowing benefit pay out then?
Whinging about this kind of thing doesnt really accomplish anything tho, UNLESS someone can actually offer a better REAL world solution then no matter how many abortions someone has its STILL better than them having unwanted kids
You cant on the one hand whinge and whine about it being a womans body, her choice, her right etc and THEN in a completely hypocritical manner want to get her to do something totally different lol, jeez, some people haha
If someone has 50 abortions they are ALL her right, ALL to do with HER body, HER choice et al
:lol: :lol:
15 August, 2007 at 7:17 am #278572@lil fek wrote:
No, they don’t have any say unless it is a loving relationship (boo make fun of hoo) because quite frankly Uber you are just a sperm donor, nothing more; nothing less, thats all you are, get used to it!
It is the women’s body, the woman’s right to choose if she keeps the fetus..NOT YOURS….but if you decide to impregnate a woman and they can prove it then you pay for your be careful where you leave your spunk.
I don’t know who you associate with but from your obvious insults to women it’s someone that has hurt and taken advantage of you and for that I’m sorry. Not all women are like that!
PMSL, you couldnt be aby further from acuracy hehe, I raise my two kids, not my ex, ME!
What youre reading here is a view based on fairness and equality, concepts women and society at large cant grasp or understand
But, lets look at what you said for a moment and apply it equally
IF as you say a man shouldnt have any choice MERELY because he agreed to have recreational sex then surely that SHOULD be applied equally to women
In which case if SHE lets someone deposit spunk in her slime chute she should equally have no say in the matter and therefore shouldnt have the access to an abortion of a healthy foetus
And as for the “unless youre in a relationship” nonsense lol, what planet do you live on? Cgeck your facts, no man has ANY say in whether a foetus he has fertilised is allowed to gestate unless the woman chooses to give him some say in it whether its a one night stand or a 20 year marriage
My point here isnt a vitriolic one just a literal common sense one
IF someone wants ALL of the responsibility for ANY choice in life then with that they should ALSO be grown up and mature enough to also shoulder ALL of the responsibilities attached to that choice
Its really as simple as that
And if (as women seem to think) just by agreeing to have sex a man is ALSO agreeing to support offspring for 18 years that should ALSO, EQUALLY apply to them which then solves the abortion dilema totally dont it?
Obviously I wouldnt expect you to grasp such rudimentary simplistic concepts as equality, fairness and personal responsibility tho coz youre female, but that alone isnt any reason not to state the point tho
15 August, 2007 at 7:22 am #278573@(f)politics? wrote:
Now for the thread i think in some cases abortion may be the answer for example pregnancy through rape some people couldnt and dont want to bring a child into the world conceived in this way and i completely support their decision to do what they feel they must, what right have any of us got to judge what someone else chooses to do with their bodies.
But F, you said
“in some cases abortion may be the answer for example pregnancy through rape some people couldnt and dont want to bring a child into the world conceived in this way and i completely support their decision to do what they feel they must”
Which is a VERY conditional statement isnt it, and a conditional statement implies there are other scenarios you WOULDNT approve of
Which contradicts the last senstence really doesnt it?
Otherwise examples of WHEN you agree with it wouldnt be needed and you’d have just said “if someone wants an abortion under ANY circumstances what right have any of us got to judge what someone else chooses to do with their bodies”
wouldnt ya lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
18 August, 2007 at 1:31 pm #278574yeah me waffling again ubermik lol!! but yes ur right it its their body to do what they want with, but i do disagree with ppl using abortion as a form of birth control but it is their choice i just dont agree with it in those kind of instances.
18 August, 2007 at 2:01 pm #278575I doubt many if any people “agree” with it as such, not even the people who DO use it frequently
But many realities of modern life arent things people can “agree with” but that doesnt make them worth disagreeing with nor does it make stopping them happening a better alternative either
Avoiding the need for them to be chosen in the first place would be the better option and the only improvement to the current situation, but thats a problem nobody has the solution to and the solutions that would work could never be introduced in such a cancerously left wing nanny state so like it or loathe it repeated abortions for the VERY small percentage that have them is the best long term solution to the post”dick”ament (lol :lol: :wink: )
However I am still of the mind that you deserve a jolly good spanking for the earlier contradicition lol :D
18 August, 2007 at 4:01 pm #278576its murder in any circumstance
18 August, 2007 at 4:10 pm #278577Well I wouldnt call it murder as its in most cases no more developed than a cancerous growth is and is just a collection of cells with as much awareness as a cancerous growth
But even if it is murder so what?
Its socially accepted and where two “entities” rights conflict one has to be chosen to take priority, and where the decision is between a group of cells less advanced than a tadpole and a fully grown person I dont think its difficult to decide who should take precedence
Infact I wouldnt really bat an eyelid if it was made compulsory for known disabled foetuses as I have never understood the point in letting malformed or barely functional people be born to begin with
So whether its sensationalised by calling it murder or is just more maturely called “abortion the actual act itself is the same
18 August, 2007 at 5:05 pm #278578life begins just after the spurt
you are advocating murder18 August, 2007 at 5:20 pm #278579Well in such unevolved viewpoints I most certainly DO advocate murder
Infact by the same measure you commit murder everytime you take antibiotics to cure an illness, you would be committing murder everytime you wash with antibacterial soap, you would be committing murder should you ever, god forbid have to have cancer treated
Infact unless youre a vegetarian your party to murder everytime you eat meat, and murder of a far more sophisticated and evolved form of life than a foetus is most of the time when aborted
Infact even if you arent a vegetarian the vegetables you eat are a more evolved form of life than the mush of cells vaccumed out of the womb in the course of an early abortion
So everyone the world over is a “murderer” when archaic retrospective medeival viewpoints are observing ROTT, so yeah, I advocate murder and dont have the slightest twinge of guilt over that as its a VERY necessary murder
Infact with the way kids who arent aborted are turning out nowadays I would be quite happy to see the abortion age raised to 14 years AFTER they are born and wouldnt bat an eyelid over that either to be perfectly honest, some people are just a needless waste of oxygen and I wouldnt lose a seconds sleep if a billion or so wastes of space or even a couple of entire continents were totally obliterated
I dont much like cats either lol :lol:
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