Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Abolish tax for the self exmployed!
19 August, 2009 at 5:30 am #13461
I’ve recently registered as self employed, having registering both my usual site as a business as it’s making a comfortable profit and recently setup a sex site, which judging by its domain name and near-future plans will bring in plenty of perverts thus plenty of dosh.
Thought it was safer to register now rather than have the tax man banging on my door with two bobbies at either side of him for tax fraud or what ever further down the line.
I was shocked to find out that 8% of everything I earn goes to the tax man. 8% !!!
I’ve only just setup for crying out loud, I’m not a millionaire. We’re in recession, surely the government should be encouraing new businesses to setup, rather than putting them off by complicated bureaucracy, silly forms and then stealing 8% of everything you make that could be spent on better servers?
The sex site currently makes £300 a month from Google Adsense (only been up just over a month, been busy getting my normal site backup after my server hosts’ servers got infected with malicious code so not had time to work on the sex site promotion etc yet) and costs £250 a month for the voice & video features of the chat.
Obviously I won’t mind a year or two down the line when the money is rolling in. Sex sells. But surely the government should exempt you from tax for a few years, or even fund you for a few years until you’re making loads more revenue than expenditure?
But it seems as soon as money goes into your account the government’s snouts are in your trough and know how much you have before even you do!
I think I maybe entitled to an exemption though, so I maybe ranting for nothing. I haven’t looked into it that much.
But thought I may as well make a rant as a debut return. Got a bit of spare time, thought I’d still show I support JC and always will. ;)
Anyway. Who here is registered self employed? Did you get help from the government, or exempted from tax until you were properly established? Or did they sniff around your pockets before you even put your money in there?
19 August, 2009 at 8:50 am #409202@tom wrote:
Anyway. Who here is registered self employed?
I am.
@tom wrote:
Did you get help from the government, or exempted from tax until you were properly established?
Are you kidding? Everyone, not just the Government, seems to a business as a cash cow, you’re paying out hand over fist before you even start, usually on things to do with red tape rather than the tangible get-this-business-on-the-road stuff. And as a business you have nowhere near the same protection as the ordinary consumer. ‘Tis a shark-infested pool, and a good accountant and solicitor are worth their weight in gold, even though I object to their fees!
@tom wrote:
Or did they sniff around your pockets before you even put your money in there?
Yep…Dick Turpin is alive and well and has many masks.
But of course, this is really a thinly veiled attempt to promote your own money-making sites…. :wink:
19 August, 2009 at 11:22 am #409203Not really, otherwise I’d have put the URL.
I’d rather keep my other site under wraps truth be told. I feel dirty even making it.. but.. recession on, got engaged, getting married, having a baby, sex sells.. !! Was my fiancee’s idea to make the sex site.
There’ll always be perverts on the net. Might as well make money from ’em.
It was a nonely-veilled non-disguise of the disgust that I have to pay an unelected dictator (Moron Clown) money before I’ve even got a business established.
Knowing full well where the money is going !!! (pockets of greedy MPs and tax sponging dole monsters!)
Had I setup a market stall or a high street shop I’d still have shared the same disgust and posted the same rant. I checked back on my post and can’t see any hint of what the URL of the sex shop/site/business is, so if it’s disguised I’ve disguised it so well that even my own eyes can’t see the URL.
There’s really no need to be a troll. I forgot how paranoid and argument-hungry JCers were to be honest :lol:
19 August, 2009 at 11:35 am #409204@tom wrote:
There’s really no need to be a troll. I forgot how paranoid and argument-hungry JCers were to be honest :lol:
Oh my gosh, I had no intention of being a troll, far from it! And neither am I paranoid or argument-hungry, if that were the case I would be saying something along the lines that all business should be taxed, capitalists making money off the backs of others and so on…or as a female I might have had a dig about you making money out of a sex site. But I did neither.
But hey, do feel free to ignore anything else I said and home in on one throwaway comment if that suits your purpose. My final comment was meant to be a joke, but hey ho.
19 August, 2009 at 11:43 am #409205Dont worry about it jen jen, Tom has some lucid moments but generally posts rants that consist of utter tosh and ends up on the same side of the fence as everyone else.. drugs are good legalise drugs (cause i take them) drugs are bad (cause i’ve stopped).
Lets have everyone going self employed and we’ll all pay no taxes and wade through the garbage and shyte in our streets… oh and mug Tom cause there’s no police to stop us as we dont pay any tax.. :wink: :lol:19 August, 2009 at 11:47 am #409206It’s just it’d be common sense, right, for the government to say “’s a grant. Spend it on the equipment/stock you need. When you start making enough profit that you can support yourself, ie: pay your bills, support your fiancee, then you can pay us back the grant. Then once you’ve paid the grant back, you can then start paying the tax once we feel you’re in the position to without putting your new business venture at risk or forcing you to budget or struggle to meet any sudden server upgrade bills such as if you exceed your bandwidth or SQL limit..”
Anyone with logic and common sense would say that.
“Ohh! You’re going to make money? Right.. that’s it. Fill out this form and give us it NOW or it’s tax evasion and I’ll ‘ave you!”
What ever the business I don’t think it’s fair.
Such as my fiancee has moved to Yorkshire with me. I was going to go move alllll the way over to her. Because she had her pet grooming business, it was new, only a year old, but she had to pay tax, and £800 p/m on rent, and the government expected her to be able to pay for promotion, advertising, equipment, insurance, wages etc on top of that? You know she was living on £5 a week approximately for around 8 months because she couldn’t even afford to pay herself a wage?
Needless to say it’s gone under, hence why I’m selling as I designed and ran her website for her for the shop but cancelled the hosting on it now and parked the domain since she no longer needs it.
Now if the government had helped her with the business and eased up on the tax that business would be booming right now cos she was getting a lot of custom, but she just needed a year or two to keep the ball rolling and get the revenue up.
I was merely enquiring as to whether anyone has ever had any success trying to bargain with the government and whether they’ve ever had help with their business, because there are apparently programmes where the government do help you setup the business, tax-free, but I’m not sure how you have to be eligible. (Probably have to speak Punjab and dress up in PJ’s)
19 August, 2009 at 12:02 pm #409207Maybe you need to be more realistic. I didn’t expect to take a salary in my first 2 years whilst establishing my business, if I did then it was a bonus…and that was before the recession pounced. I also expected to be investing a lot of my own money, and any help from the Government or other sources would also be a bonus.
Grants are more readily available in some parts of the country than others – based where I am I don’t qualfy for any grants, if I moved just 40 miles up the road then I would. Yes there are some grants for ethnic groups but they tend to be quite small, usually no more than £500. Most grants that are available make no differentiation on race or creed. For most grants you have to be a detective to find out about them then have plenty of time to spare to fill in the forms and jump through the hoops so you wonder whether all the effort is worth it.
You could always arrange an appointment with your local Business Link or Enterprise Agency, or talk to your local Chamber of Commerce, or even join the FSB and tap into all the knowledge there of people who have been there and got the tshirt.
After all, we set up our own businesses because we want to be independent and not answer to anyone don’t we? or is it just about making money?
19 August, 2009 at 12:07 pm #409208Hello i’m going to set up a sex site… yes under 18’s can view it but i’ll tell them not to dont worry now can i be excused tax ? I think not Tom
19 August, 2009 at 12:08 pm #409209I’m starting a family. Making money would be nice :wink: see the making money part isn’t the problem. It’s already happening and coming through, it’s just there’s also expenditure, and I could do without having to worry about tax, and having to pay an accountant.
It’s my first time going self-employed, so I have no idea what I’m putting on the forms or what I’m supposed to keep track of, it’s an absolute nightmare. I’m just really surprised the government isn’t more supportive in times of recession, that’s all.
I’m sorry the thread has caused so much upset, I didn’t mean to provoke any abuse and not sure why Pete is being so hostile.
Tax is a necessity, we all know that. I’m a Socialist, I believe in state controlled industry. But fair’s fair, it’s the rich and already established businesses that should be taxed, the newly created businesses and the poor should be relieved and exempt until they, too, become rich. In the end it only makes sense that everybody, especially the government, will benefit because then there’ll be more successful businesses to tax in the long-term!
19 August, 2009 at 12:12 pm #409210Ffs sake i aint being hostile merely giving a different point of view
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