~ ABC’s Of Passion ~
A lways whisper sweet nothings
B efore you begin to touch
C ompliment my charm and beauty
D esire expressed with feeling, much
E mbrace my longing eyes with yours
F or a special sweet moment in time
G ratify all my secret love wishes
H eart against heart beating with mine
I long to here you say my name
J ust as your kiss covers my lips
K eep caressing skin with tender fingertips
L ose yourself in my taste, my scent
M ove me with your hot impulsive need
N o time to think of anything else
O nly our insatiable, grasping greed
P our you whole soul into loving me
Q uestion each sigh and motion
R aise my desire to new heights and
S ail me away on a molten ocean
T ake the time to pleasure each treasure
U nderstanding a woman’s desires
V erify your joy of each touch and taste
W hile you incinerate me with your fire
X treme satisfaction I promise My Love if
Y ou take the best loving care of me
Z illions of stars envy our blazing light they see
I love acrostic poems!!!!!!! :lol: