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  • #344018

    @*Sian wrote:

    I don’t know how much of a blubberer you are :P Is blubberer a word? :lol:

    i’m not a blubberer AT ALL whatsoever, but i do get a bit teary eyed at those sort of things well tis animals innit lol


    I shed a few tears now and then, I loved Christian, pure love mannn :oops: :lol:


    this is the one i was on abt the other day that suddenly came to me

    or this one

    Lioness Adopts a young Calf,The Heart of a Lioness

    slug sex soooo romantic

    Slug Sex

    Awww how lovely is that! 8) Animals never cease to amaze me 8) My mums cat grew up with my kids rabbit (long story) she still hops like a rabbit to this day, they got on so well 8)


    slug sex is lovely :shock: :lol:


    @pete wrote:

    slug sex is lovely :shock: :lol:

    LOL dafty, I was answering Pol… :lol:

    This is cute too 8)


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    Makes two of us :) *passes Shazza a tissue * Dont ever ask me to go and watch Bambi or Lassie come home with u will ya lol

    did you weep when you watched your pack of hounds rip foxes to shreds before your very eyes? No, i didnt think so.


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    Makes two of us :) *passes Shazza a tissue * Dont ever ask me to go and watch Bambi or Lassie come home with u will ya lol

    did you weep when you watched your pack of hounds rip foxes to shreds before your very eyes? No, i didnt think so.

    bambi aint a fox or a rough coated collie pebbs for 1 and secondly i told u once already why i dont disagree with hunting and i never said i gleefully smiled and gloated over the actual kill did i ? now fu/ck off back under ur stone and take heed of ur own words groundhog ur boring now


    *Backs away slowly from the thread*

Viewing 10 posts - 31 through 40 (of 76 total)

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