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  • #2208

    Christmas From The Heart
    by Judy Burnette
    I heard your voice in the wind today
    and I turned to see your face;
    The warmth of the wind caressed me
    as I stood silently in place.

    I felt your touch in the sun today
    as its warmth filled the sky;
    I closed my eyes for your embrace
    and my spirit soared high.

    I saw your eyes in the window pane
    as I watched the falling rain;
    It seemed as each raindrop fell
    it quietly said your name.

    I held you close in my heart today
    it made me feel complete;
    You may have died…but you are not gone
    you will always be a part of me.

    As long as the sun shines…
    the wind blows…
    the rain falls…
    You will live on inside of me forever
    for that is all my heart knows.


    Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
    Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may
    stand in the sun, so must you know pain.
    And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles
    of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than
    your joy;
    And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you
    have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields.
    And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your
    Much of your pain is self-chosen.
    It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals
    your sick self.
    Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence
    and tranquillity:
    For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender
    hand of the Unseen,
    And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been
    fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His
    own sacred tears.

    Kahlil Gibran


    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    Kahlil Gibran

    I knew it! It is a cult. And that Poshy is the recruiting sergeant! It’ll be one piece orange robes and funny haircuts next, followed by brain washing and selling your Earthly possessions. Mark my words.


    @pikey wrote:

    ! It’ll be one piece orange robes and funny haircuts next, followed by brain washing and selling your Earthly possessions. Mark my words.

    No that would be guantanamo bay!

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