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19 June, 2006 at 7:18 pm #226350
@forumhostpb wrote:
………..Or if we simply let them die from the AIDS epidemic sweeping the continent right now, the survivors will reap the benefits of that, because they’ll be LESS mouths to feed, and MORE food those who are still alive.
very humanitarian
a life is a life no more or no less value than any other innocent (note the word )19 June, 2006 at 9:14 pm #226351@Lambrini Girl wrote:
I was about to say I am sure your sentiments are very noble Emma, but that you could have put them in a less condescending way. I have changed my mind.
“These poor people” do not need people like you to “educate them into not having babies so much”. How dare you, clad into all the trappings of your comfortable western world, profess to know what is right for “destitute africans”!!!
If I were one of those “destitutes”, and you offered me a fiver, I would throw it back at you with the contempt it deserved. Charity and compassion is one thing. Condescending superiority quite another.
You must then think that creating more mouths to feed, is the best way of curing starvasion :roll:
20 June, 2006 at 12:04 pm #226352How does having smaller families help a farmer in Mozambique sell his crop on the international market? How does having less mouths to feed create universal access to healthcare and education? How does contraception stop a European or American company from taking the lion’s share of profits from an African diamond or gold mine?
In places where there have been droughts or famines, the problem is not large families the problem is that the governments don’t have the infrastructure or resources to deal with food shortages. You can’t solve that problem with condoms and aid deliveries are only a short-term solution too. The long-term solution is to create an environment in which countries will be able to prosper and then they will be able to solve all their internal problems. Africa is rich in natural resources and given time and the right economic and political conditions, Africa will inevitably become a wealthy continent.
21 June, 2006 at 5:26 pm #226353i am in touch with a young man in zambia…….b4 u all take sharp intakes of breath n scream con con!!! you couldnt be more wrong but thats another story…….
this young man tells me that the government is corrupt over there and any one in a position of power is out for what they can get……he recently joined the red cross over there to become a volunteer and they charged him (a) for joining and (b) for taking a first aid course to enable him to become a volunteer…….this is a young man with no visible means of support fgs!!!!!! and a charity organisation should keep there eye on the ball and the people representing them………
as far as other charities go i am becoming increasingly concerned that all the money being pumped into these organisations is all well and good but when they do find a ‘breakthrough’ treatment and it comes down to cost or postcode whether or not people recieve the new treatment it kinda makes ya wonder doesnt it …….are new cures and medicines only fer the priviledged few…..maybe i should keep a record of all the charities i have supported in the past and continue to do so , so that if a cure is found for anything i may contract should i wave the list with a record of every penny i have given to that particular charity ????
hugssssssss xxxxx
21 June, 2006 at 11:20 pm #226354Maybe you should just keep your money in your own pocket. Giving it to an African charity is supporting theft and gross corruption – it will only line the pockets of some corrupt tin pot dictator anyway.
What’s the point….. what they don’t take, they steal. In a very short while they’ll all be dead from AIDS anyway.
21 June, 2006 at 11:29 pm #226355Well at least i haven’t advocated hanging them ’til they twitched like kippers.
(BTW… do kippers twitch????)
21 June, 2006 at 11:31 pm #226356:D They do if they’re hung from bungee ropes.
21 June, 2006 at 11:38 pm #226357In which case I stand (or twitch) corrected – ”kick like kippers” it is then.
21 June, 2006 at 11:54 pm #226358Do you suppose that Mr B is a Palestinian??? He sure seems to take their side on just about everything. Maybe we should make him ”kick like a kipper” for sympathising with terrorists.
22 June, 2006 at 12:04 am #226359Oh Gawd Tommy – don’t start that one ffs. He’ll go on and on back in time and history until he ”proves” that the Palestinians got there first – and anyway their human rights have been eroded etc etc.
If memory serves he has gone back to 2000 BC so far !!!
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