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8 September, 2018 at 11:23 pm #1103346
For someone like QE who presents himself as a representative of the jackass kingdom, is it worth me asking where I said I enjoyed bestial relations with goats? Where in your fevered imagination did you get that from? I mentioned a poem by James Dickey (unfortunate name) if I remember rightly which I said I didn’t enjoy but still thought was a worthy poem. That seems to be the general opinion among literary critics.
You are an ignorant wowser who would have wanted to burn Joyce and Lawrence when their novels first appeared.You’ve never read Dostoevsky, but regard The Possessed as child porn!!!
The burning of the books went hand-in-hand with Jew-baiting, the euthanasia of autistic children and sewing the heads of gypsy children together in the name of scientific inquiry. I’d post the photo of the two gypsy kids, but they looked unbelievably scared and it is really disturbing.
I’ve seen you make intelligent points.Do you see how stupidly jackass these posts are making you appear? Stupid and gross, not tough. The men and women who are genuinely tough aren’t the ones who storm around shouting it to anyone unfortunate enough to be within hearing.
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8 September, 2018 at 11:35 pm #1103348Slam Dunk !
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9 September, 2018 at 4:41 am #1103361Thinking I might read the bible after this.
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9 September, 2018 at 5:06 am #1103362Lord, I need to see my local priest and discuss the fact I don’t speak the English language well so I am told by a fake name and number whom owns no brass balls but a mini skirt, lots of makeup and high heels. Oops he may put me in the penance room for soul searching and 10 hail Mary’s…lol..
Heeeeee haw…..
P.s. get lost scum bucket….. leave me out of your forum garbage..low life…..
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9 September, 2018 at 10:15 am #11033659 September, 2018 at 10:17 am #1103366You are an ignorant wowser
Cheers for that intellectual contribution , Shakespeare would be turning in his grave old boy
9 September, 2018 at 2:14 pm #1103369Humble with the picture offer. Very cute in deed, paradox. Too bad you can not put your energy and knowledge into photography…have nice day.
9 September, 2018 at 8:50 pm #1103420PML@sceppers…..grow up kiddo……act your age…not mooseys brain cell size……LMAO RATF PML…..
next attacker please……LMAO RATF PML
9 September, 2018 at 8:53 pm #1103421To be honest…if sceppers and moosey had a brain cell between them… perhaps there just better off as they are……LMAO RATF PML
9 September, 2018 at 8:56 pm #1103422Sceppers hasn’t read the bible…he’s still waiting for the movie to come out…..LMAO RATF PML…..
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