Boards Index General discussion Art, poetry, music and film A decent books people ?

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  • #1103287

    Funny jamief. So true. I can spell, retain word. Some times if I write too fast, type, I question as I reverse, or struggle and think geez, out loud I can spell when I write it why I misspell it.. not all the time. But I do. My mum use to write out words by the sound of letters. She always always have a dictionary by her desk, or when writing. But she was very sick when younger. Missed few years of school. Had scarlet fever…stopped. never return… she was so so talented thought. She would of made one heck of a home designer, or architect. She could build, use electricity, wall paper. Free style draw anything. So talented. My brother and I encouraged her to go back. She just never did..

    I respect and applaud you to know weakness, admit it and move on. The jerks here at jc have no idea u better then them.!

    Books yep. Love reading too. My escape world. Xxx


    I was born into a social class that was not taught the value of reading.

    My parents tried to counter this.

    Books – both fiction and nonfiction – helped me escape into an interesting world with interesting people.

    I think we read all sorts of books, high-brow to low-brow.

    I’ve always, always, tried to reach the limits of my understanding, so my books are usually (not always) pretty demanding.

    Read fr enjoyment, but read for fulfillment too.

    Here endeth :yes:

    Image may contain: one or more people and glasses

    Maybe if you expanded your reading repertoire beyond tales of goat rape you alluded to on the other thread weeks ago, it might be a prudent decision. I couldn’t read the entire comment on the cry baby” FAO Martin” thread with hugs begging for help again with his dummy due to it being deleted, but highly amusing you ignore a poor female “victim”s initial comment calling chatters ” arsewipes” yet roll into town as the gallant white knight to the rescue with misogyny claims when the Latvian transsexual gets it back conveniently ignoring the initial comments. Go back to playing with yourself scep crawling to women online , it won’t change the fact you are destined to die alone getting your jollies from animal sex. Responding to insults dished out by females isn’t ” misogyny”. Gender doesn’t concern me with online message boards unlike your admittance of preferring to chat to females and seeking them out online as creepy scep .. I insult you so therefore you are a cock in a frock presumably?


    Gosh, I hope you hadn’t typed out a damning essay full of passion and ‘cleverness’ about Scep and his bodily fluids and toilet habits, his love of animal sex and lots of bashing , just to realise the thread had gone as you went to submit it ?  How frustrating that must have been. Out of curiosity is there a reason why anyone you take a dislike to always smell of urine, are old and ugly and like strange sexual practices or is it just a coincidence ? Or even assumption perhaps ? All a bit odd doncha think ?? :wacko:

    Btw, I’m not that old, I shower very frequently, I’m not alone and have never fancied a goat…… just in case :good:


    Gosh, I hope you hadn’t typed out a damning essay full of passion and ‘cleverness’ about Scep and his bodily fluids and toilet habits, his love of animal sex and lots of bashing , just to realise the thread had gone as you went to submit it ? How frustrating that must have been. Out of curiosity is there a reason why anyone you take a dislike to always smell of urine, are old and ugly and like strange sexual practices or is it just a coincidence ? Or even assumption perhaps ? All a bit odd doncha think ?? :wacko:

    Btw, I’m not that old, I shower very frequently, I’m not alone and have never fancied a goat…… just in case :good:

    Bit odd you question why sexual practices are being addressed when scep talks about enjoying a goat being raped in one of his literary masterpieces and blows kisses at anything vaguely resembling female ” doncha think”? Hugs is in his 60s , hardly a spring chicken is it or would you prefer me to refer to him as a young sad case living with his mother calling police everyday with a dummy in his mouth?

    ” Just saying”


    Just saying what ? Exactly ?

    Enjoying a literary ‘piece’ , far above my reading levels, just saying, where part of it describes the raping of a goat, does not make someone a fan of bestiality, you know that, You are not stupid. I just can’t get why anyone over 60 has to be described as some sort of lonely mad man, who either lives with his mother or is knocking one out to this months issue of Play Billygoat Puff ? You don’t know the first thing about their lives, apart maybe from Hugs who has said quite a lot about his situation, so why assume people are weird and ugly and smell of urine ? I don’t see the point in trying to paint someone as a crank and misfit because you disagree with their viewpoints on certain topics ?  You are perfectly capable of sustaining an ‘argument’ about your opinions on other peoples opinions, without resorting to made up , random, abusive name calling. I mean, what is the point ?

    2 members liked this post.

    I mean I ‘could say , YOU have an incredibly small penis, only one eye  and like to sniff poodles bottoms !!  Obviously I know no such things about you, do you think if I shout it enough people will believe it ? Or is it more about making people feel scared that maybe, just maybe someone  will believe these things if they are said enough ? plenty will want to believe it because they are small minded thugs who love other peoples drama. Either way it’s a ridiculous way for adults to conduct an argument / discussion, don’t you think ? :scratch:   :wacko:

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by  mooosey88.
    1 member liked this post.

    Just saying what ? Exactly ?

    Enjoying a literary ‘piece’ , far above my reading levels, just saying, where part of it describes the raping of a goat, does not make someone a fan of bestiality, you know that, You are not stupid. I just can’t get why anyone over 60 has to be described as some sort of lonely mad man, who either lives with his mother or is knocking one out to this months issue of Play Billygoat Puff ? You don’t know the first thing about their lives, apart maybe from Hugs who has said quite a lot about his situation, so why assume people are weird and ugly and smell of urine ? I don’t see the point in trying to paint someone as a crank and misfit because you disagree with their viewpoints on certain topics ? You are perfectly capable of sustaining an ‘argument’ about your opinions on other peoples opinions, without resorting to made up , random, abusive name calling. I mean, what is the point ?

    Well sceptical has form for reading perverted literary pieces, the goat was one example and there were others in the thread I can’t be bothered hunting back to post. You seem to imply I’m the one with a sexual agenda yet I’m not the one asking people to marry me , blowing kisses out, starting poems on children being raped like 3 regs on here. The fact anyone would come online to date or try to like hugs is sexual desperation exemplified , as is scepticals sickly defence of a poster based purely on whats between their legs. I note sophias ” arsewipe ” comment is ignored yet any response is misogynist .. I can just imagine sceptical on a bus watching a woman beat a man half to death with an iron bar sitting gormlessly watching- the man responds by punching her in the face knocking her down and out comes scep with a bulge in his pants screaming misogyny and violence against women clutching his animal farm literature with a red table cloth drooped over his shoulders as he checks his inbox on here after countless   xxxxxs to anything female with a pulse. 0 messages in the inbox

    ” Just sayin”


    I mean I ‘could say , YOU have an incredibly small penis, only one eye and like to sniff poodles bottoms !! Obviously I know no such things about you, do you think if I shout it enough people will believe it ? Or is it more about making people feel scared that maybe, just maybe someone will believe these things if they are said enough ? plenty will want to believe it because they are small minded thugs who love other peoples drama. Either way it’s a ridiculous way for adults to conduct an argument / discussion, don’t you think ? :scratch: :wacko:

    I haven’t a clue what you are whining on about now. I am dealing with facts not childrens playground stuff

    Fact : Hugs is in his 60s living with his mummy calling police over a chatside he voluntarily enters asking numerous women to marry him

    Fact: Linda is unable to type basic English and brays like a donkey HEEEHAAW

    Fact: Sceptical states he prefers to type to women , inundates them with kisses, likes every females post, states he enjoys literature on raping a goat and other deviant practices.

    Fact: Dexy started a thread , infact several threads on paedophilia with no other contribution to the boards

    Fact: Without even addressing Sophia , I was told I was an arsewipe so truthfully told her that she had the face of a Latvian transvestite yet despite her insults being the first to be exchanged was accused of ” misogyny ”

    Fact Now you are piping up when I haven’t addressed you in any way.

    “just sayin”


    Well it just shows you that people read ‘into’ people very differently. My take on the thread was that Scep was talking of was very old historical/ biblical passages where that type of language was used frequently and all that baloney, but never the less, because he is a man of some religious beliefs and a fan of the written word, modern and historical doesn’t make him a fan of whipping out his todger every time Country File comes on Bbc 1.  The Poem you are referring to I also found disturbing I presume for the same reasons as you and also the language I have seen the author use in the chatroom, and I’m not talking about swearing, I mean the subject matter. Hugs I have no time for and I’m not interested in his sex life. And you ‘just imagining ‘ what Scep would do on a bus doesn’t make it true or correct. You could be way off the mark, your imaginings are just that. I’ve never notice him respond only to female chatters either, and lets be fair here, you’ve called people far worse than an arsewipe, so have I for that matter, Sophia was defending Jamie, who once again got attacked for her spelling, possibly she’s dyslexic, its been discussed often, that doesn’t make her ”not bright enough ” to hold a opinion, she has some very valid opinions. You can’t lash out at someone’s spelling and ignore the fundamental point they are trying to make. ” You can’t spell therefore you deserve the full wrath of my pointy tongue and sarcastic wit ”  God help us all !!!


    I’m just asking a question, keep ya thong on. You haven’t answered why anyone over 60 is mad and smells of urine ?  You’ll be 60 one day, maybe, do you think suddenly you won’t wash or you’ll become incontinent ? That must be a worry. I’m fairly sure I’ll be ok, just a bit wiser :good:   :bye:

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