As in everyones life here the time for taking a break from chat has come for me. I’m not leaving forever, just choosing to take some time away. Lots of things going on in my own personal life that I have to take care of and get my head ” sorted” as ya’ll say here. When the time comes and it’s right for me and things are sorted I will be back.
I post this only to let my friends know here, so they will not think something bad has befalled me. For those that have my email, you may write as I will check my mail time to time, for the others that do not, you can leave me a private messege here.
I value everyone of my friends here, thier friendship means more to me then you will ever know. Until the time for me to return I bid you all happiness, love, and hope each one of you find and keep what you hold dear to your hearts.

~~* Trust takes time to build, but only mere seconds to destroy *~~