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4 February, 2017 at 1:42 pm #1021014
There would have been a constitutional crisis. But for the cowardice of the labour leaders, a closer result would have been more reflective of the close vote.
These slippery liberals. Lets actually look at the actual facts. Major cities and urban hubs in England and parts of Wales voted Remain, those who have prospered most in the EU and have the most to lose.
Guess what? More people live in densely populated urban areas. Now according to these slippery liberals, the labour leadership should have backed a handful of densely populated cities over the 70% of labour held constituencies which voted guess what… Brexit.
70% of labour held constituencies voted Brexit and according to the slippery liberals, who detest UKIP, Corbyn should have abandoned that 70% and handed the seats over to UKIP. That is liberal logic for you.
First, it has been estimated that nearly 70% of Labour-held seats voted for Brexit, with industrial, northern and economically left behind seats leading the way. That an estimated 70%+ of voters in Labour constituencies like Kingston-upon-Hull East, Stoke-on-Trent North, Doncaster North, and Walsall North opted for Brexit, while over 70% of voters in Labour constituencies like Hornsey and Wood Green, Streatham, Hackney North and Islington North opted for Remain, exposed a deep and widening divide in the political geography of Labour support. – See more at: February, 2017 at 2:38 pm #1021015Nah loads of people encounter online bullying on a daily basis & no one takes a blind bit of notice the perpretrators get away with it.
Dear me if anyone is being bullied all they have to do is mention it to a Minister or Chief Constable while enjoying some fine wine and nibbles, sorted.
4 February, 2017 at 2:40 pm #1021016I’m a miserable bastard at the best of times but I aint that bloody gloomy ffs
4 February, 2017 at 3:00 pm #1021017You’re a brave man Scep… against most of the boardies (again)
Put your wooden spoon away kenty
Fancy stirring it up …. pink & fluffy
4 February, 2017 at 4:43 pm #1021020A civil war lol. You ready to take up arms, drac?? You know what a civil war is really like? Very few want that,and certainly not over this issue. There would have been a constitutional crisis. But for the cowardice of the labour leaders, a closer result would have been more reflective of the close vote. may now has the legitimacy to represent a nation rather than just a faction. Let’s see what she makes of it.
Failure to activate article 50 after the referendum would mean that the people have lost all sovereignty, if that isn’t a reason for a civil war then I don’t know what would be.
There would be a vote of no confidence in government and a general election first, I think there would be a Conservative/UKIP coalition if that happened and article 50 would get though on a second vote. If for some reason Labour or Lib Dems won the election then I think the government being forcibly overthrown is a very real posibility.
I thinkk we may well be clamouring to get back in, and there will be mechanisms.
A group of lawyers in Dublin are trying to push a case which will go tot eh ECJ, declaring Article 50 to be reversible. At the moment. the legal status of article 50 is unclear. If it’s reversible, and we look as though we’re in real problems by 2019, then we can revers the decision. It could only be done if there was a serious change of heart among people, though.
If Germany’s defensive union is enacted after we leave then there is no possibility of us rejoining. If that doesn’t happen then joining EFTA could happen, but I don’t think I would support that currently. That is assuming the EU even lasts that long if Le Penn takes France out as well.
However, if real problems emerge after we left, the EU negotiators are making it clear that a fast-track back into the EU exists. They don’t want to be hurt any more than we do. And, as you have said in the past, they are as much to blame to leave the UK (and other countries) in a state where they feel neglected and hurt by an élite, open to the rise of the authoritarian Right (populist is a poor and ultimately pretty meaningless concept to describe them).
The only country I can see the possibl of an actual authoritarian-right party winning is Greece, but I don’t think Greece is in a position to pose very much of a threat to anyone.
4 February, 2017 at 4:49 pm #1021021Does anyone take the Bank of England’s predictions seriously?
They are more reliable than any ecconomist, although that isn’t saying much.
In fact, the fall in sterling is hurting already, and will hurt a lot more.
I mostly get paid in USD or Euro, so its pretty good for me honestly. I got a 20% pay rise after the referendum.
I haven’t noticed any significant difference in the cost of living yet, which should have come though now as the drop happened awhile ago now, and the ecconomy has has time to adjust pricing structures.
4 February, 2017 at 6:36 pm #1021025Drac, do you condone bullying? Hope you reply to this and not ignore it, like you did with my last post to you about Khomeini on a different thread. I have a long memory.
Ironic quote I feel as you Bloss disguised as Quinoa were in F3 last night giving Jamie F hell! That’s called bullying too.
1) I wasn’t hiding ; everyone knew who I was, as I actually tell , each time someone joins the room and asks who I am.
2) I wouldn’t call that bullying, I was merely speaking my mind because seeing her 9 times out of 10 actually having/being/doing whatever any other chatter is saying they’ve done/been/ had gets a bit tedious after a while.
I’m starting to see a pattern arising here between her and Thea, wouldn’t be surprised if the 2 were related, so to speak.
Besides that, her spelling, one minute she can’t spell for toffee, the next her spelling is perfect.
She’s taking the lot of us for a ride on the Helter Skelter….and you know it
4 February, 2017 at 7:29 pm #1021032You’re a brave man Scep… against most of the boardies (again)
It’s because he goes on ego trips. He always goes against the majority and tries to win his argument by waffling or dodging certain points. Don’t start screaming about being bullied, scep, it’s just an observation.
Actually it was a joke….I’m sure Scep would have known this coming from me……..from title brave woman to brace man
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4 February, 2017 at 7:36 pm #1021033You’re a brave man Scep… against most of the boardies (again)
Put your wooden spoon away kenty
Fancy stirring it up …. pink & fluffy
No need…it was never out… can get your soh out though……as for pink and fluffy…..that’s not going to happen with posts like yours
4 February, 2017 at 8:22 pm #1021038It’s not you Drac, or other innocent people, that deserves to go to a war, it’s those who cause wars they want by blaming others and doing whats wrong. There are many who want freedom from their own countries and want to leak secret to others through good and innocent people who are not bound by something legal, and they are looking for good and optimistic people to fight for them. But we didn’t make or want those moonstrings in the first place, so it’s not us optimistic people who should be the messengers or the fighters. Pessimistic doers are the ones turning people into pessimistic criminals, so they should do their own fights for setting themselves free from themselves and their own strings.
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